I am a idiot lol


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2010
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I now have a chest infection after getting through the interview with just a cold and the doctor just started me on Amoxicillian 500mg 3 times a day.

I hope i won't have to be on these to long, but i forgot to mention to the doctor i am ttc or could be possible pregnant, I did get a very faint line this morning but have not said to DH i don't want to build our hopes up and it was nothing but a negative, roll on the 22nd so i can test officially.

I am having lower back ache today and tender boobs but i am not counting on that as a symtom, and very high tempatures (But thats prob the chest infection doing that).I am also having slight pain just above my right hip bone on and off :eh:.
Snoop I hope that you feel better soon and FX for your test - any line is a good sign hey? - sending you lots of :dust:and hoping for a sticky BFP for you x
Thanks, i hope so or i have a dodgy test lol, I tried the 2nd testout of the same pack but i didnt work so i am worried incase it was a dodgy pack thats why i have not said to my DH till i definatly know.It was just one of these cheap £1 shop tests that he picked up yesterday for me he does not know i have used any of them yet :whistle:
Maybe do another wone with FMU tomorrow and see what happens...
I will just probably wait now till the 22nd to be on the safe side that wa i will be 14 dpo and it should be a wee bit more accurate, i just hope the high dose of antibiotics don't affect anything if i am.
You could always ring the docs and ask to check with a nurse about taking antibiotics maybe..
Waiting until 22nd sounds sensible though (I'm just v impatient!) x
I would call and ask your doctor about the antibiotics. If you need them, you need them, but there may be a different one or a different dose that could be better for you and the hopeful baby.
Looking forward to seeing your test result tomorrow if you are testing snoop x

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