I actually got sleep last night!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Henry slept for 2 hours in one go and my god I've never felt better! Lol!

He self settled on his back at first and slept for half an hour :( when he woke I fed him and we both fell asleep in my nursing chair :blush: I then put him back in his basket on his back. Queue screaming and fighting sleep :( picked him up and he settled. Put him back in his basket but on his tummy and he settled straight away and slept for 2 hours.

I feel amazing this morning, lol! Going to a bumps and babies group this afternoon so hopin Henry falls asleep after his feed (feedin him now) so he is awake to meet new friends. Actually quite lookin forward to meetin some other mums :)
It's the best if you get a 2-3 hour stretch! I didn't last night :( really pushing his naps!

That's great - makes you feel human again!
Enjoy your new mums group! :-)
You must be feeling human again today then. Glad you managed some rest xx
you lucky thing, i'm jealous, ive had a rubbish couple of nights. enjoy your group :) xx
aww thats brilliant hun

Have fun at the group hope u both meet new friends :-)
Aw hun, does he not sleep for longer than 2 hours? :hug:

Glad you got a bit of rest. I hope it continues! X
He usually does tor, usually 3-4 hours but the past three nights he has struggled to settle and sleep for more that 40 mins at a time :(
it's great when they are like this harry's best was 6 hours he manages about 4 at a stretch which isnt too bad but hes got a stuffed up nose atm so he just wants to be held all the time unless he's in his pram then he sleeps until i get home

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