I ache all over.


Active Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Every morning i wake up in pain.. not my tummy but my back and my legs... everything aches.... Im quite a large girl so i don't know if the weight of the baby is causing it.. im only 9 weeks so the babys not that big yet but its still worrying me.

Ive tryed having baths but nothing seams 2 help.. anyone got any hints.. or can u tell me if its normal or should i go 2 the doctors and get it checked out..

Also lastnite i turned over 2 go 2 sleep and i had a really bad pain in the side of my tummy. it really hurt. does the baby move from side 2 side at this early stage? was the baby just saying oi im lying here?

All advice would be greatfull recived.
The bad pain is probably a stretching pain. Quite usual in the early stages as everything expands to fit baby in.

As for the aching, I doubt the size of baby atm is going to cause that. Not for quite some time yet. Still very tiny, less than 5 cm's long (ours measured that at 11 weeks plus). It may be you are lacking something vitamin or nutrient wise. I can remember aching also, your body is working extra hard setting everything up for baby so it does get draining. Are you eating well and/or taking a vitamin supplement?

I'd talk to your GP or MW when you next see her about the aching if it still bothers you.
Just a thought, but are you getting enough calcium?

Personally I find that if I get a good walk in every day, I hurt less and feel better. I am also overweight and I am looking to prevent gestational diabetes/preeclampsia which I know as a fat person I'm prone to. I do get aches and pains but not so much that they worry me or keep me from sleeping, so if they are worrisome, definitely bring them up with a GP, that is what they are there for :) Hope you feel better soon!
Thanks for the advice, I drink plenty of water but don't take any vitamins yet... i am mostly on my feet for 4 hours a day at work.. doesnt seam much but it kills my back.
Im seeing midwife for first time on thursday so will talk 2 her then.

do u recon it could be my bed? is it bad 2 have a soft bed when preg?
I have the aching quite a lot and have just made the decision to go out and buy a better bed and a comfy matteress, although tbh we did need a new one anyway and were just putting parting with our money....lol.

I find a nice soak in a warm bath helps the ache to ease off then relax in bed.
We had a soft mattress for a long time and then upgraded to a firmer one and the difference has been phenomenal. I used to get a sore shoulder/neck and haven't had that since sleeping on the new mattress.

By the way, if you aren't taking any vitamins, you should definitely consider beginning to take folic acid. Talk to your GP or midwife about it as soon as you can.

Also I find when I have lower back problems, holding a hot water bottle at the base of the spine helps tremendously.
Oh i am taking folic.. doc gave me them as soon as he told me i was pg.

I just don't know wot vitamins 2 take.. im a bugger for remembering me folic let alone vitamins lol

and at the moment i can't afford a new mattress.. i might reduce my pillows as i have 4 on my bed plus 2 small ones i hug at night.

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