Hypnotheraphy CD arrived

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Came day, ordered after recommendation on here, effective birth preparation for a hospital birth.

Drew the curtains and lay on the bed, practised the breathing in deep, breath in golden air, and out.......

Woke up 2 hours later having had a gorgeous sleep!!! :sleep:

Wonder if I can sleep through labour if I listen to it enough before then??? :think: :think: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Oh Zoe, I'm so pleased you got it!
We've just finished a two-day course on it and it's completely changed my mind about the birth. I've gone from being really scared to being really calm about the whole thing.
The CD is so nice and relaxing.
I hope it works for us! I couldn't recommend it enough!
What is this CD and where did you get it from hun?? :think:

Recommended by Lucybee and Becky101, thanks girls :hug:

I am going to listen to it every day as recommended, and even just listening once, and reading the booklet that comes with it has made me realise birth is such a natural thing, not something to be feared...it says that even if you were i a coma, your body would still birth a baby so it isnt a mind thing at all, your body will know what to do!

Theres loads of good tips for your bithing partner too.

Try it Jades, it cost around £17 with postage and arrived within 2 days.

this looks fascinating... I have just ordered it !!!

Can't wait for it to arrive now
Yeap, I reckon its worth a bash!! Anything to ease the anxiety! :?
Just ordered one too!! Anything to help!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanx for posting this!

Glad you got it. I definitely can't recommend it enough. I fell asleep the first time I listened to it as well, but the great thing is it still works even if you are asleep. :sleep:

The £250 if you send your birth video in is also well worth thinking about. Still have to convince my OH on that one yet! :think:
I'm soooooo in to it!
I'm practising every day and feel so much calmer and more positive about the whole thing.
Apparently labour times are dramatically reduced in women who practice hypno-birthing and babies are happier too.
Hope it works for us!
ooo that sounds good "shorter labour" :dance: - right can't wait for this cd to arrive now I will be playing it everyday!!!!!!!!!
Ahh, all these chilled out mums to be in labour, the NHS wont know whats hit it!!!! :shock: :rotfl:
Wow ordered mine at 3 o clock on Friday and it arrived in the saturday post!!!!!!!!!!!! How good is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was well impressed with the service!

Get listening Lynds, its lovely and relaxing xxx

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