hyperactivity in toddlers


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
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Some days Alana acts like shes on speed, shes just sooooo hyper and its starting to get hard when out and about with harriet too. yesterday she was stood next to me while i put shopping on checkout and she suddenly bolted for the door and out onto the street completely ignoring me.

and shes generally mad, which was fine when i only had her but im starting to dread leaving the house so did some research..

and found some kids are sensitive to Salicylates in Food whic are in some fruits and vege..... especially grapes, raisons, peaches, apples amongst others...

well she eats all of the above alot, so im thinking maybe she is sensitinve to these? so weve decided to try her on a low Salicylates diet and see if it improves..

any one else have this?? i need some help :rotfl: im about to go mad

i got the info from here
http://www.safekids.co.uk/AllergiesSali ... ldren.html
My cousin had that, she's 2 and she used to eat so many grapes ansd raisins in particular...they were her main snack...and she was going hyper. Then i think her mum found out that could be the cause, and she stopped giving her them, at least not as much...she's calmed down a lot.

Mind you I don't suggest doing what her parents did which was replace the fruit snacks with sweets and crisps :roll:
we gave her banana today for snack and sausage rolls, and she seemed calmer but still not laid back or am i hoping for too much :rotfl:
Some kids are just buzzing lol, Ella's just plain naughty ;)

What does she drink?
Hope it helps calm Alana down a little bit, sounds like you've got a right little whirlwind on your hands :)
Kina said:
Some kids are just buzzing lol, Ella's just plain naughty ;)

What does she drink?

she likes fizzy water with a slice of lemon or lime :rotfl: been copying me. or just robinsons squash.

and Jo i dunno about a whirlwind, more like a tornado.. well my house starting to look like a tornado hit it :roll: where did my nesting bug go!!! please come back
Do you think it could be the squash? We call it loopy juice in this house :shock: :rotfl:
i gave her once some cheap non brand type juice OMG she was like on speed. she was hectic so im thinking it may not be the robinsons, its says on natural on bottle
Hannah just never stps it her eyes are open she is moving, she runs off too does my head in and she climbs on anything and everything, i just think they are normal 2 year olds
Definitely check out what the sugar content is in what she's drinking!

Lucy goes hyper if she has those "Tropicana Go" drinks (that her grandma loves to giver her :roll: ) We didn't figure it out at first why she was always hyper after being at grandma's but then we checked the nutritional info on the bottle and it was 22% sugar!! We told grandma we don't want her drinking it but she said "its all natural - not artificial sweeteners" but it doesn't matter whether its natural or not - that much sugar drank quickly makes Lu hyper!
we buy the sugar free juice. ive cut out all Salicylates the last 2 days and there has been a major difference :D Im going to ask dr for some more info on this allergy.

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