Hurt/pulled myself

Little Bump

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
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Damned planes flew over, three of them, really low and really fast. One of my cats is prone to fitting and I was trying to get the window open and her in off the window sill but she got too worked up and fell off into the garden having a seizure :(

My horse paddocks surround the house so I had to run through the house to the door, then right round and under the fence to reach her. I kind of 'forgot' the bump :oops: and just ran....

She's ok, thank God, sat twitching her tail every now and then. It only lasted about 45 sconds in total and she came round quite promptly, but I now feel very sore. The bottom of my bump and between my legs feel as though I've pulled them.

I'm just sitting with a cup of tea to see if it eases if not I'll start pottering around lightly as I have a feeling I'll stiffen up otherwise.

So neither me nor Ezmee (my cat) are in the best condition this morning :(
Oh dear poor kitty and you, take it easy, I too sometimes (not often I might add) forget bumpage and pay for it later its to remind us for next time

OT Cool name for your cat, my LO will be called Esme!!
Awwww how will you pronounce it?

Her vet (after 3 years and at least quarterly visits) still pronounces it Ess-may....I'm like nooooo, it's it's spelt, EZ ME.....I give up now lol

Everyone looked at me gone out when I named her....they were all wtf :? I think it's beautiful.

Will you shorten it? If so what to?

I only do 'human' names lol, and I used all my favourite names on the animals....For a boy I love Archie, Harry, Stanley but that's, in that order, pony, dog, cat....girls I loved Heidi, Callie, Izzie, Jessica, Pippa, Daisy...but that's horse, cat, pony, dog, dog, dog.....
Aww hun! :hug: I hope you and the cat are both ok and the soreness on your bump goes soon :hug: Must have been really scary when your cat fell :( Bless you xxx
Take things easy today. Just rest as much as you can. Hope you and kitty are alright! :hug:

I too forgot about the bump a few times. When I was 7 months I got down on my knee's in the pet shop to get a good look at cat collars, totally forgetting I was pregnant. Ewan had to literally yank me up. :doh:
ez-may is how we will pronounce it so a little different to your kitty.

prob shorten to Es or ezzy and her initials will be EARN so DH calls her Earnie. I tend to lengthen names though, my son cameron gets camerooney. Im thinking she may get called Esmerelda, hoping I can find something a bit cuter though :lol:

One of my tortoises is called Mimi and I keep calling her Esme by mistake :doh:

It actually took us longer to name the tortoises than it did this LO :lol:
Oooh, be careful. Your ligaments are at their softest right now hun. Relax for a couple of days xxxx
:hug: :hug: hope you and the cat are doing ok...take it easy now...
Aww poor you and your kitty :hug: I think you should both spend the day on the sofa resting :hug:

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