Hungrey in the night!


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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Does anyone else find themselves waking up in the middle of the night starving? This has happened to me for several nights now, last night it was 3am and luckily OH had just got home from a nightshift so I called down for him to bring me up some toast!! :oooo: I'm sure I read somewhere that baby uses up glucose during the night but not sure how true this is. Thankfully at the moment I haven't gained weight anywhere apart from my bump but worry if I carry on like this I will be huge at the end of 9 months lol!
m no... but I get ever so thursty! I keep a glass of water near my bed and drink it during the night.
nope not had it eat alot durng day so maybe thats why only thing keeping me awake is heartburn so would gladly swap it for food lol x
Just get thirsty. It is possible to mistake hunger for thirst, try drinking something first see if feelings go away. I also seem to eat lots during the day now (making up for tri 1!) I normally have a snack around 9pm to keep me going at night!
hya hon ive started to get really bad hunger pains where i have to get up for something x
I read somewhere that in tri 2 & 3 you can get really hungry i the night and they recomend some cereal with yoghurt before you go to bed as it has some slow burning thing in it that helps keep the hunger at bay whilst you are sleeping. I'll see if I can dig the whole article out when I get home and I'll post it up for you.
I will try drinking water Sarah and see if that helps. Don't eat any extra during the day, just what I ate before I was pregnant really so maybe that's why I'm craving the extra calories at night? Thanks for the tip bunnykins that would be great if you could post the article please x x
Id put a couple of digestive biscuits on your bedside table hunny that why if your are hungry its nothing heavy on your belly x x

that's a good idea - saves me traipsing all the way downstairs in the night too! x x
I woke up in the middle of the night and had to eat, it was making me feel so sick so I just had to eat. had some cereal and 5 minutes later was fast asleep!
Ok found it in my book it says :-
It is normal to get nighttime munchies, try to pre empt hunger by snacking on the right foods before you go to bed; eggs, milk (and therefore cheese and yogurt too) tuna and turkey are good sources of the amino acid tryptophan which encourages the body to produce the vitamin b niacin, this helps the production of serotonin that has a calming effect and aids sleep.
Eat slow release carbohydrates such as wholemeal bread or pasta, so for example half a tuna, cheese or turkey sandwich, a small amount of wholemeal pasta with some cheese or a bowl of good quality wholegrain breakfast cereal with some warm milk and honey will fill you up whilst helping you sleep better.
A handful of nuts and seeds or some plain yogurt with honey and fruit are high in protein and will stop your stomach rumbling.

Hope that helps :)
Bella2 I've been waking up at 3am or 4am on and off since I first became pregnant. Since I've been in Tri2 these times have definitely been HUNGRY! Mostly I try and ignore it but I like the suggestions of keeping something small by the bed. Yum.. digestive bickies!
It happened me quite a few times and I just couldn't ignore it, you're only eating toasted, one night I went downstairs at about 3am and made a burger with the works.. Even the thought now makes my stomach turn x
Thanks Bunnykins that's really helpful! Funnily enough last night was the first night I didn't wake up hungrey....although I was late eating dinner so perhaps that's why. Thankyou for the other replies girls - nice to hear I'm not the only middnight snacker! x x

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