Huggies wipes on offer at tesco


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Don't know where to put this, so it's here! Lol! Huggies wipes are buy one get two free at tesco x just thought I'd let you know. I don't usually buy them but couldn't resist! Lol
I don't usually use Huggies But i'll get some If there that cheap, thanks xx
I'm gonna go back and get more I think!
oooh careful girls if u dont normally use them cos madison is not that sensitive at all and huggies bring her out in a rash really quickly a really bad rash :s i know others here like them tho so try before u buy loads!! :) xx
i only use huggies wipe i cant stand johnsons or pamper they are to oily
I have used them before and only use sensitive wipes I just don't normally use them cos tesco wipes are cheaper and smell nicer! Lol!
Ooooooooo I love huggies wipes I'll have to go and get some! Thanks helen :love: x

ohhh ideal, i only use Huggies wipes and don't get on with pampers wipes xxxxxxxxxxx
there n offer at the baby asda event a box of 24 for £8 x
That's a great offer. We normally use Asda Little Angels wipes but OH went to Tesco and came back with 6 packs :lol:
I have tried lots of different varieties of huggies wipes and I have to say (whether on offer or not!) I won't buy them anymore.

Either 10 come out all at once - Elliot has shitty nappies, but not that bad! I find it frustrating when you have a wriggly baby on the mat and trying to take out 1 wipe, you end up fighting against 10 others!

Also, I find them very wet, which makes my little mans bum blotchy and sticky. Because they are wet I find little bits of the wipes come off (similar to tissue) and I end up picking them off his bottom!

My preference is either pampers or johnsons, they seem to be larger and stretch, where as huggies don't stretch - they rip!

Anyone else find this with huggies or is it just me finding silly faults?! I know everyone has there preferences, but it'd be interesting to know if anyone else has experienced these frustrations with huggies?

Love the nappies though! lol
yes i do have this but it doesnt annoy me quite as much if they on offer i'll buy them but prefer pampers or johnsons
yes i find huggies r like wet toilet tissue, tbh i didnt have a problem with this and i find the johnsons green soapy ones r the wettest but i love them for number twos but they r quite expensive tho!! :) xxx

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