Hubby feeling baby kicks!


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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Well, finally Rob has been able to feel the baby move. Was lying in bed this morning and I could feel him/her move alot and very strong, so I told him and he felt it as clear as day and then we both were staring at my tummy moving around....I could watch it all day! :)
Aw I can not wait to feel baby! And I def can't wait for OH (also called Rob) to be able to feel it! It makes everything feel more real! x x x
Its brilliant to be able to finally 'share' whats going on inside you - xx
Aw it's amazing isn't it?! So glad he got to feel the kicks as well as you :)! Xxx
I was so relived when steve could feel baby. ebery time its a feel strong kick he alwys goes "eeerrr thats sssooo weird but i lovge it! let me feel again."
i was so relived when steve could feel baby. Ebery time its a feel strong kick he alwys goes "eeerrr thats sssooo weird but i lovge it! Let me feel again."

aw that's so sweet mel_ed!! Bless him:) xxx
Every time I call my OH to feel the baby stops kicking! He did sit with his hands on my bump for a quite a while last night and said he could feel things moving, and generally it was at the same time I could feel bubs squirming around so I'm glad he's felt that, just looking forward to him feeling a good strong kick now :)
How far along are you all? I'm 21 weeks and my OH cant feel anything yet, he's so impatient though! My mate said her OH didn't feel anything until about 26 weeks. X
How far along are you all? I'm 21 weeks and my OH cant feel anything yet, he's so impatient though! My mate said her OH didn't feel anything until about 26 weeks. X

i'm 30 weeks hun, OH could feel baby moving for a bit quite early on, but he was usually there at the right time.. other times i'd tell him to feel and then baby would stop moving/kicking!! so it went in phases a bit from about week 16..

what i found was if i had naps in the day baby would be awake evening time and ready to play! so maybe try a nap? it depends what you little ones sleeping pattern is! xx

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