
Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
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Hi everyone,
My hubby and I are expecting our baby in Feb and are looking to buy another house. We already sold our property in Cheshire but were looking to by another house near an area called Rixton (warrington, Cheshire).
The problem we are facing is the uncertainly of the HS2 ploughing though all the nice areas.
We have found a gorgeous house in a village but were really cautious because of the HS2 and problems it will cause (house prices, noise, congestion etc and once built it steaming through the gorgeous village!
I phoned the helpline today and the advisor said there are plans for a viaduct which would be 780 metres away from the house but is 30ft high across the ship canal. He did said route could change and it isn't certain yet until it's approved (or not) next year.
We're totally torn and just wanted some advice! Were just feeling really pissed off with it all!
Everywhere were looking is plagued by this bloody thing!!!
If it were me I'd wait until the plans were firmed up. Could you rent for a small period of time? It would ultimately put you in a better buying position. That way your not going to unintentionally but somewhere completely blighted by hs2.

Could you also look at hs1 to see what 780 metres in terms of noise disturbance would look like and housing depreciation/any compensation the government offer?
We have been renting for past 10mt and have another 6mt contract where we have just moved to.
We had to move out as landlord was moving back (expense we didn't need)!
I want to feel settled for when baby arrives and have nursery ready and not have any stress of moving if possible.
I understand what your saying but I don't feel it's fair to put our life on hold, all though it is the most sensible option. :cry:
If it were me I'd wait until the plans were firmed up. Could you rent for a small period of time? It would ultimately put you in a better buying position. That way your not going to unintentionally but somewhere completely blighted by hs2.

Could you also look at hs1 to see what 780 metres in terms of noise disturbance would look like and housing depreciation/any compensation the government offer?

Also I'm concerned that by time plans are finalised house prices may go up in areas where there is no hs2 going past and were only left being about to afford a house near to where hs2 is!
I'm certain that particular house won't be on for a year- houses are actually selling in that area still. X
I know exactly what you mean and it wouldn't want to wait to get settled either if I was pregnant. I suppose 780 metres is quite a way away. Which way would the garden face? Towards it or the ither direction? I suppose at the end if the day if this is you perfect home and hs2 is your only potential compromise on it, then if might be worthwhile going for it.

I think we all know deep down what we want to go, I always have a niggling little voice in back of my head that tells me.

What do you think about it deep down?
It all seems perfect pumpkin but the hs2 will be a huge 30m high viaduct cutting accords the ship canal and through the beautiful village. :cry:
Part of me thinks just go for it but on the other hand if it goes ahead it will cause huge problems with traffic congestion whilst being built and the cost of the house could reduce by 40%!!!

Im so angry about it because it's dictating our life! I just wanted to live in a semi rural area and it's all being ruined by the hs2.
Thanks for your reply Hun. Xx
I would personally wait.... Not ideal but you will kick yourself if house prices fall, which they will if hs2 does go ahead

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