Hows every1 coping!?? Im not :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2010
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I feel like im stuck in such a vicious circle! I have ZERO energy! I cant cope at work as im just sooo tired, coming home from work to my energetic son is even more tiring and by the time he goes 2 bed I just CANNOT find the energy to do the housework, the house looks like a sty (im usually a clean freak) so that upsets me even more! Grrrr!!!!

Can some1 plz send me some energy :(
this sounds so familiar! i dont do anything when i get home from work except sit and boss around my other half how hes coping with me i dont no! im so tired now and im on nights tonight so im all grumpy! feels like the tiredness will never end!
How r u managing doing nights!!! Im sooo tired I feel like I should hand my notice in at work and just sleep!! I really hope this ends after trimester 1! I dont remember ever being this tired wiv my 1st! xxx
I went through this, I slept all afternoon and every afternoon during week 11. I just couldn't keep my eyes open.

It did pass, I'm still tired and weak (I'm struggling to lift things), but I am substantially better this week than last.

I hope things improve quickly for you too!
Totally sympathise I've a 4 yr old and 7 month old, I feel sick loads , always do tired can't even get off sofa sometimes
Snap feel totally wiped around this time and all I want to do is sleep. Really hoping it stops soon x
I do sympathise hon, just take comfort in knowing it will be a lot better in a few weeks time :) x
yup - and seem to be worst after lunch until about 7pm. then perk up a bit before bed!

roll on second trimester... (although we love it, really!)
I know exactly how you feel. I've just woke up after an afternoon nap!
With my 2nd pregnancy I got signed off sick from 9 weeks as I couldn't cope with the feeling sick and tiredness from hell! I went back at 13 weeks :) I was lucky as DH was being house hubby for a bit and was home with our then 3 year old - I managed to spend lots of time in bed being waited on, lol.

I hope the tiredness lifts for you soon :)
Hey hun, im the same.. although no children work is killing me im tired allll the time!! I decided i had to tell my boss of the situation and she was kind enough to give me a week of to rest.! i feel a bit better now.. maybe you could have some time off? hope it passes for you soon xxx
hi babywestwood, i felt the same 2, would finish my morning calls then sleep would wake just before my dinner calls and sleep, this was at the very begining, im now 13wks. the m/s has eased and my energy has slightly come back, im still in bed half the time at 8pm. really hope you start to feel better soon, x

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