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How/where did you meet your OH?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2005
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I met mine at work. I have worked there for 8 years in Oct, anyway i used to work on the same team as Bens sister and she had mentioned he was coming to work at the same place, so one day this fit lad is being brought into the department i was just about to turn to Zoe and say he's fit when she says 'thats my brother'! Anyway i was with someone at the time and skipping ahead 3 years i was single again, I went out to lunch and when i came back there was an email from him, very odd as he was wishing me a happy 21st birthday and i thought how does he know that? turns old that I hadnt locked the PC before i went to lunch and the girls decide to go on the company for sale and wanted board and put a post on asking for someone to sing happy birthday to me! Anyway i emailed him back explaining yes it was my b/day that weekend but i didnt post the ad, and the emails went back and forth until he asked for my number so he could ring on my birthday i gave it to him not expecting him to call as they never normally do! and he rang, 2 years later on my b/day he proposed i fell pregnant with matthew a month later and next May we get married and i couldnt be happier. When we talk about it now he says he had always fancied me and i liked him but it took my friends prank to get us together!
kris was in the vip bit of a night club so i asked him if he could get me in, then he said.... dont i no you from some where... i thought :roll: oh god yh i got you a pair of trainners the other day (i worked in footlocker) :oops: so i was making out i didnt no who he was, then he wouldnt leave me alone and took me home :oops:

im easy lol...... :lol:
I was travelling in Israel and I got a job on the same scuba diving boat as Richard. We lived on the boat together staright away so I couldn't resist him
i met garry at skool!! he was going out with my best mate at the time :oops: then wen they broke up we got together
I met mine on the internet!! :lol: We both lived in derby so thought it would be cool to meet up (stupid i know).
urchin said:
I was travelling in Israel and I got a job on the same scuba diving boat as Richard. We lived on the boat together staright away so I couldn't resist him

When were you there, Urchin. I spent a year in Israel. From the Jordan River down to Eilat.

Met Alan in London. After the first night that I had spent at a Youth Hostel, he offered me a job. I declined the offer - thought his accent was a bit weird (scottish)!!

A month later - we got together. He went to work in France/Spain on his own - I dumped him. When he came back to London, I told him to go with his mates to Israel. He did. Two weeks later I was back in Tel Aviv... this is where our love story starts... won't bore you, but we've been married for 15 years! Awwwww..... he's brilliant!

Emilia xx
I met Martin in a really cheesy bar in Picadilly Circus. I had just split from my ex who I still lived with and couldn't wait to be single again. I was totally trashed and my friend kept saying a fit guy was staring at me, I just wasn't interested because I hardly ever fancy anyone! We were in a total meat market and after hours of dancing in my stilletoes my feet hurt so I asked him to keep me company while I sat down. I was so drunk I couldn't tell if he was a minger or not but agreed to meet the next lunchtime. I expected it to be crap but as soon as I saw him my stomache was in butterflies, he's gorgeous a proper viking (he's danish!) Our date lasted 12 hours (no nookie!). 5 months later I moved to Denmark, 6 months after that we got married and less than a year later I fell pregnant! I still can't believe we met in the biggest meat market in London and I am so happy my friend made me talk to him!

Please lets hear more of these how we met stories, I love them :D
I met my OH through friends. I had come out of a 5 year relationship a couple of months beforehand and was adament I didn't want another relationship, especially as I was due to go to Australia for 5 months. However I got talking to him one night and we spoke for 6 hours on the phone and it was like I had known him for years.It was funny how he kept arranging to come round and dates etc but I kept saying, it doesn't mean we are going out, its not serious. Three months later we were living together, and then I had to go to Australia but he decided to jack in his job and came out to join me for the last 2 months. We have been through so many ups and downs but he is my best friend, I really fancy him still and I wouldn't be without him :D

Bit off topic but Eblinx I take it you're a bit of a 36 Crazyfists fan :)
I met my OH through a blind date (I'm best friends with his auntie) I'd just split from my ex and was mega down. :roll:
She took me to a local pub just to find him in there and that's it I never turned back. :dance:
And still wouldn't he's my rock! :lol:
I met my OH on the internet. Sad some people think. :moon:

Basically before he took his business plan off the ground he was looking around for simular business & he became a member of the forum I admin for. We use to sit up for hours talking. Last year I arranged 3 forum gatherings at my house & he came to the last one & we stuck together since.

Totally wasn't how I thought it would happen but apparantly he 'had plans' :doh: :lol: Men!
I was going out with my o/h best mate we became friends and he helpped me when me and my ex were going thru a bad time, me and my ex broke up and me and my o/h became closer friends and then were togther, we got engaged a couple of months later (didn't tell any body until september) moved intogether in the febuary fell pregant with kacy on the 15 march, and now got kacy and getting married next year
I met my DF at work! We both worked in the stockroom at Next! Didnt get together for about a year as we where both too scared to say anything!

When i finally did i was drunk at a night out and the next day he tried to ask me out and i was like oh i was drunk cant remember :oops: i was so frightened that he was going to say he wasnt interested so i made out i couldnt remember and he was like oh she isnt interested then lol! Anyway a few months later we where on a night again and we got it on!

Best thing that i ever did! I love him so much!
Stuart and I had the same group of friends for nearly 10 years but never met each other. He showed up at my cousins housewarming with a male friend of mine. My mate pinched my bum as a joke, but did it on the other side to where he was standing, I thought Stuart did it, belted him across the face and mangled his nose :oops: We ended chatting about nothing till 5am. We bumped in to each other a couple of weeks later in the pub and have been together ever since. He still reminds me of his poor nose every so often :roll:
My best mate went on a night out, and met this fella, and we used to love prank calling, so the next night we got drunk and we foned everyone in eachothers fone book, and i happened to fone, who is now my DF, and there was no answer, the next night i was getting ready to go out and he rang me, he was checking who had foned him, and we talked for ages, and i said i gtg im getting ready and he was like where you going? So i told him, and he said i might see you there, wanna put a face to this voice, but he didnt meet us there :( but on the way home he rang and me and my mate met up with him and his cousion and that was 5 years ago :lol:

I didnt even kiss him the first night, but i met him the next day and what can i say, i was in love.

I felt very comfortable, but was scared as i told him i was 19, when actually i was 15 :oops: :oops: He found out the truth a few months later, but was too late by then, he loved me too much :D

So now, we have been together 5 years, living with each other 4 years, engaged 2 1/2 years and TTC baby number 1 from December :D

People think i am silly to have settled down so young, but my reply to that is : People search their whole life for their soul mate, mine rang me one day and found me at the age of 15 :D, and it was the best decision i ever made to meet him.

Though was strange, my best friend having went with him :lol: :lol: :lol:
I met Richie at a nightclub.... i was a bit of a party girl then! and richie told me one day i would be his girlfriend! and i was like " yer alright mate, like your confedents!!! ... one month later i told him i loved him when drunk and he agreed!! haha

year later and i am carrying his baby!! :shock:
I went on holiday with my best friend and it was an allocation on arrival, we were so gutted when we got there, it was awful and hardly any nightlife and we were gonna be there 2 weeks, we kept complaining to the rep to try and move us but they didn't have anywhere to move us to which is lucky really as I met my hubbie on the 6th night, he worked in a bar over there and we clicked straight away, the night we met we were chatting like we'd known each other for years and we sat by the beach until 7am the following morning! When I had to go home I was crying my eyes out and he said he'd call me and everyone was taking the mick that living out in spain he'd meet loads of women.

He called me 3 days later and I went back out the following month on my own for his birthday and then a month after that he surprised me, I walked in to my bedroom after a day of babysitting and he was sitting on my bed, he was home for good! We moved in together a month later and then got engaged 2 months after that and now we're happily married with our gorgeous little son Charlie and I can't wait for another! x
i had been speaking to Jase for ages on a reading festival forum, then we met up at reading festival and came back to my house, he never left after that lol

I met Rob on the internet lol. I knew his sister first through a Darren Hayes chatroom and i had alot in common with her brother so she let him chat to me for a bit and things went from there.
I met Jarrod at the Hard Rock Cafe in Magaluf lol! Rock 'n' roll.

I was on a girlie holiday (paid for by my fiance) :doh: And Jarrod was backpacking Europe with 2 friends. We only had a little snog or 2 :angel: and made no real plans to meet up again (he also had a girlfriend at home) but I rang him one weekend many months later and he came down to visit and I went up there to visit (he lived in Bolton) and one weekend I ended up staying there for 6 months! Then we packed up everything and backpacked Europe together and the rest is history as they say. Oh and when Jarrod saw me for the first time he turned to his friend and said he was in love! awwwww! His friend asked if he could have me if I didnt fancy Jarrod! We laughed about that one for a long time after I moved up there and started seeing his friend all the time lol

And who said holiday romance's don't work!?! :wink:

Lou :)

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