How to help a friend?


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2006
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My friend had her 20 week scan on Friday just past. She's expecting a little girl and I'd love to help with clothing etc but obviously I'm expecting my first so don't have anything I could pass along. She's not well off and her husband can't work due to severe back problems/operations etc. Any ideas how I could help her out or do something for the new baby that isn't going to cost me a fortune? (that sounds mean but with a new little one onroute for me I can't justify buying 2 lots of clothing type thing). My neighbour is trying to get rid of boxes full of baby boy clothing but seems to want to hold on to them untill we know whether were having a boy or girl incase we can make use of them but boy clothing is going to be no use to a new little 'pink' arrival. Any ideas/suggestions welcomed.
I always buy the Pregnancy magazines and in one of them there was a list of websites where Mums recycle their old baby items/clothes/toys etc but I cannot remember the web addy, anyone know? Thought if it could be found it might be helpful to your friend Nicola :hug:

For the bigger items like a buggy or cot etc I would suggest trying local newspapers or ebay, though I'm sure you know of them, there's also always the 'box' gift, where everytime you do a shop, get an extra bottle of baby shampoo or wipes, and make up a box for your friend slowly, so you don't feel the cost, best wishes, and I'm glad her scan went well :hug:
You could try getting a few bits and bobs off etc. Maybe you could try to get some money together to get her a mothercare voucher...she might appreciate that more so she could chose the baby clothes for herself. It's a tricky situation. Good luck with it.
maybe look at some of the bundles on ebay or the ad mag they are great value.
how about trying freecycle?
you may find a few items which you can collect and give to her, bet you could find some little gems, as people are always giving away babies stuff on these sites. my mum used our local one to get a cot for when her grandkids stay.

here is the link to all the regions: ... %20Kingdom

I was going to suggest freecycle too - fab site! I just offloaded a wardrobe on it, is in fab condition and going to a good home I just no longer have the room for it. Have been receiving the emails for the past week for stuff on offer in our area, and I think baby things have been listed in every email - so you should be able to get clothes, bouncers all sorts.

If not, I have bought a few bargain bundles from ebay, got about 25 items for £5 incl. p&p - you just need to keep your eyes peeled for the bargains.

I think its great that you are trying to help in this way hun - you must be her guardian angel :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks ladies, I'll check out freecycle and ebay bundles etc....I think I'm also going to make her up a box, I've got till the summer so each Sainsburys trip another packet of wipes or tub of cream etc and get a voucher for Mothercare to pop in the middle type thing. Hopefully everything will help and I'm sure her other family and friends will do their part too. Thanks guys!! :hug:
Why not try your local NCT and their nearly new sales?, also places like 'GEORGE' and 'PRIMARK' do some lovely little bits, when I still lived in UK I remember HENNES were always good value on baby clothes?

I think the basket is a good idea, my mum done one for my sis and is re-cycling it for me with creams, nappies, wipes, muslins etc in a big wicker basket that she decorates with lace and ribbons etc.

I'm sure whatever you get your friend will appreciate.
Thanks Tuck! George did spring to mind for cheap baby clothes actually, am popping in there on Saturday so will see what they have then :hug:

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