How soon can you express?

A baby in special care who was born the same time as my Emily was very ill and nned the goodness of colostrum. The mother for reason i do not know couyld not provide the colostrum so i very kindly agrees to donate mine to the baby!!!!!!! SDo they expressed it from me a day AFTER i gave birth. So really that shows it is possible to expess straight away.
My sister hada bay who was placed in special care and she HAD to express too so he got he goodness of colostrum.[/quote]

wen chloe was in scbu i had 2 express her feeds 2 cos she was tube fed, and wen my milk started cumin in, the nurses asked if id like 2 donate my excess milk 2 other babies, i thot it a bit yucky at 1st, but then i seen a cancer patient whod had a doubl masectomy and realised that not all people who want 2 can breastfeed!!! but expressing..... depends on urself in how u feel!!!! i hated doin it, felt like old daisy 4m the farm at milin time!!!
A baby in special care who was born the same time as my Emily was very ill and nned the goodness of colostrum. The mother for reason i do not know couyld not provide the colostrum so i very kindly agrees to donate mine to the baby!!!!!!! SDo they expressed it from me a day AFTER i gave birth. So really that shows it is possible to expess straight away.
My sister hada bay who was placed in special care and she HAD to express too so he got he goodness of colostrum.[/quote]

wen chloe was in scbu i had 2 express her feeds 2 cos she was tube fed, and wen my milk started cumin in, the nurses asked if id like 2 donate my excess milk 2 other babies, i thot it a bit yucky at 1st, but then i seen a cancer patient whod had a doubl masectomy and realised that not all people who want 2 can breastfeed!!! but expressing..... depends on urself in how u feel!!!! i hated doin it, felt like old daisy 4m the farm at milin time!!![/quote]

Think that donating milk is great, it helps other babies especially premature babies.
yeah def agree, like i said i felt a bit weird at 1st, but then i felt silly 4 thinkin tht!!!
As i said in my post i agree completely and think its good when you express cause you have to especially to donate that is a lovely thing to do..

I dont think anyone disagread with having to express if you NEED to. I think the only point mentioned was express feeding straight away when you dont need to if you are going to be mixing with breast too :) but its everyones own decision. At the end of the day expressing breast milk is just as good for your baby as giving it them from the breast. You only need to feed a baby once with breast milk to give them enough good antibodies and nutrients to last years!!

cas x

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