how social is/was your 6 month old?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2008
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I'm a bot worried about Kayleigh not being very social. If anyone comes to the house who she hasn't seen for a while she gets scared and sobs her little heart out but only if they pay her attention! Like on Saturday, her Grannie came round and she hasn't seen her for about 2 weeks - her grannie went up to her and said hello (and made loads of baby noises) and she was inconsolable for a few minutes then went and sat on her lap and was fine, then later on we went round to some friends and my friend, camr to say hello to her and she did the same thing!!! I'm sure people take it personaly :cry:
I just wondered if anyone else's lo was like this too?

thanx xx :hug:
awww hun
thomas loves everyone so i cant really be of much help sorry :hug:
We've had a couple of phases of this where she would bawl her eyes out if an unfamiliar face so much as looked at her. She's much better now but can still get upset if someone strange to her talks to her when she's tired and grumpy.
Finlay is an attention whore so we have no problems :lol:

He loves anyone and stares at people most of the time till they look at him them does his drooly smile ;)
Angel went through a stage where she was terrible with everyone except me and her dad. My dad took it personally to start with because she'd just scream and scream. Now she loves everybody.
Mizzy does that, she see's her nanny atleast 3 times a weeks and still sobs her heart out if she speaks to her, and anyone else for that matter. I think some babys just crave the security of mummy when there not sure, my eldest was the same she is nearly ten now and is fine with everyone. HTH
James is generally fine, but does go through phases of being funny with people. He does it more if he's not feeling well or if he's tired. Just one of those things I think.
lil miss is ok.... if its a completely new person she is fine as long as I am holding her, but she shies away into my chest, giving little glances at the person and smiling.

She will smile and wave in general...but she is only safe and secure in my or DH's arms....

However.... if she sees a kid... she screams and laughs and shouts and jumps around... She loves kids. :D
Calleigh doesnt mind anybody TBH at the moment. She used to be a bit funny if passed to someone she hadnt had time to assess first :lol:
She stares at everyone and may bless them with a smile if she feels like it.
She does love kiddies though, we have been visiting nurseries this week and she has been so facinated with all these kids running around :)

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