How should i have them for their pics?


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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I am having Jack and Amy's portraits done tomorrow and i want a casual pic of them both together but i don't just want them sat there...........

Any ideas? or any links to good portrait pics i can get ideas from

Thanks :D
take some bubbles along and blow them around. I have one of my two eldest and thay are reaching out for a bubble. its a lovely photo. The bubble looks rainbow colour too.
ooh lovely idea...... Great thanks for that Budge
Bubbles are great in photos!

I love back to back pics too if you can manage it.
I was thinking of them lay on their fronts looking at each other but i don't want them looking too cheesy. :think:

Or Amy with her Arms round Jack.

It so hard to think of unique poses (so to speak)
id have them just playing naturally andlet the phtographer take some candid shots. They are usually the best.
it says on the confirmation letter to take their favourite toy? Sounds stupid but they don't have one, Amy plays with all her toys and Jack plays with eveything he shouldn't, i can't really take the video player in can i! :lol:

I might just see what they suggest when i get there. :think:
Or taken from directly above them with the both looking up.
I've been looking on the venture website there's some great ones.
just some nice wooden blocks on a white floor and they just play together and get a nice shot then have it black and white
I had pics done at Venture in the beginning of June. We just took along a few toys that she liked, and a couple of change of outfits.
They have only just rang me up a few days ago to tell me the pics are ready (I haven't got them yet). She was 9 months old in the pics, she's nearly a year old now! Don't tell me it takes THAT long to make up a couple of small photos?!

sorry lol just my little rant - can't believe photos can cost that much and yet not be ready for 2 months! insanity!
That is a very very long time, ring and complain to head office.

Kim had a problem with olan mills near her, she complained and got everything free!

Tell them that she is due another one and the photo's that you are about to receive are now dated.

mine only took a week last time and that was only becasue it was christmas and they were really busy
I can't really, because they said when we paid for them that they would take 8 weeks.

Unfortunately we had already signed the credit agreement before they told us that (we're paying monthly) so we couldn't get out of it.

We were well pissed off at the time. I had hoped it was just a joke or something and that we'd get them earlier, but nope, it really has taken this long :(

I'm never using venture again.
Aren't they expensive to?

I am using Olan Mills, last time i used them they were fantastic, good pictures and good offers.

You will have to show us when you finally get them :D
yeh ridiculously expensive - only went with venture coz we won a free photo shoot and our choice of 1 free 5 by 7 photo....
unfortunately we couldnt choose - they were all nice - so we took one of lydia on her own as the 5 by 7, and we picked one 10 by 8 of the 3 of us in a black desktop frame aswell, which we are paying for on credit. £5 a month for god knows how long - it comes up to several hundred quid in total. crackers for a photo that small! but we liked it and we have barely any of the 3 of us where lydia isn't crying.
total ripoff though i know.
Well i had the pics done today... didn't even give me the option of what i wanted, he just went straight in taking pictures and only took about 12 and 9 of them were rubbish, Amy frowning, Jack crying both of them looking away.

We got a free one and then an offer of buy one get one free so we just picked the only 3 decent ones. :shakehead:

The next one we are having is one of 4 of us so i will make sure that is good.
I'm sorry you didn't have a very good experience :( Did you have to pay for the photo shoot itself? If so, maybe you should complain about how crap it was.

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