how rude!


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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Following the smoking post from Sue, i had to tell you all this!
i had a argument the otherday, i was at a cash machine with Charlie in her buggy, when i noticed the bloke at the side of us had a fag in his hand, which was at the level of my babe in her buggy, and probably going in her face. When i asked him to moved his fag out of my daughters face her didnt understand me.....i guess 'fag' isnt widely known in the polish community!!! So i pointed at it and at charlie and said 'no', he then gave me some verbal in polish......good job OH wasnt around lol.
How ignorant is that though, she is 11 wks old. i was fuming!
Grrr I hate stuff like that. Waiting for the green man when I cross the road there is always someone there smoking with their fag held low's really inconsiderate!
I hate people like that, they have no understanding for other people.

When it isn't hot outside I put Isaac's rain covers on while I'm out to stop smoke going on him and last weekend, because it was hot, I put his insect net over his buggy instead just to protect him a little from stupid people with cigarettes at buggy level. A few weeks ago he almost got burnt by a woman on Brighton pier. She walked straight into us but luckily I have ninja reactions when it comes to protecting Isaac lol

Lou :)
isnt it sad to have to put your rainhood up. I like Chaarlie to enjoy the fresh air...wel as fresh as it gets in hull!
thats shocking! i havent really had a problem with this yet. I hate it when people cross in front of me - when they start walking diagnally and cut in front of the pushchair! I feel like ramming then in the leg :angel:
Fortunately the smoking ban really helps here when in public buildings - no more smoky pubs! :dance: :clap:

Out in the street is a different matter though, everyone congregates at the doors to shopping centres so you have to run the gauntlet getting baby in by going though a cloud of secondhand smoke!

I hate it when people cross in front of me - when they start walking diagnally and cut in front of the pushchair! I feel like ramming then in the leg :angel:[/quote said:
Why dont you ram the push chair in to them. I do when they wouldn't get out my way and they have seen me and i have said can i get past please.
Thats my worry about our smoking ban Sue.
Also they will all be sat in beer gardens too, one of my favourite place

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