How overdue were you?

Thanks ladies :D 4 days overdue today :roll: Hope I don't go too much longer!

Katie, i've sent you a PM :)
I went 14 days overdue with DD2 and had to be induced. I had been having really strong braxton hicks every night for at least a week beforehand and had a sweep at 41+7. Sadly it didn't do the trick for me.

Good luck for your impending birth, try and get as much rest as you can before your LO arrives :hug:
Went for a sweep at T&7 but didnt have it as they thought the head wasnt engaging and sent me or scan 2 days later to see if the placenta was lying low...the scan showed all was well so I was booked in for an induction at T&11. I went in and was given my first pessary @ 8am but sh wasnt born until the follwing evening @ 8.27pm (T&12) and by c section as I hadnt dilated past 3cm in all that time :roll:

The lazy little bugger would still be in there if we hadnt got her out, she was too comfy in there :wink: :rotfl:
Full of hope! said:
I'm really worried about having to be induced :? Don't want that at all!

It wasnt what I had hoped for, but by the time I went in I was just so relieved to be finally meeting my LO-I had a great experience, and even though the induction failed, I still had the most fantastic birth experience-and I was so terrified all the way through my pregnancy.

Just enjoy the last few days, rest as much as you can and try and focus on the end goal-holding your bubba.

I really can sympathise, everyone on here due after me went early, and it was sooo frustrating :x :rotfl: My due date was such an anti climax- I spent the day in tears as my phone was ringing, and mobile beeping with texts "have you gone yet??"....and I was sooo fed up :bored:

All the best and I hope things happen soon for you-if they dont then try and look forward to induction, you may even have a wonderful experience like I did :pray: :hug:
Full of hope! said:
Thank you so much for your reply Ruby's Mummy :D You are right!

Here have these :hug: :hug: :hug: and stay positive, the end is nigh :cheer:

My midwives said I was a joy to deal with and I swear it was down to the fact I was so piggin excited that I took everything in my stride (except for the internals :? )

Heres my birth story, hope you mind me putting it here, but I just wanted you to see a nice induction story so you arent too worried about it... ... hp?t=25995
Thanks for posting your birth story :D The bit about you bouncing on the ball with your ipod on made me laugh :lol:

I'm glad Ruby arrived safely in the end, she is gorgeous!

I feel quite excited about meeting my baby now, I know that whatever happens i'll only have just over a week at the most to wait :cheer:
Pregnancy 1 : induced at T+14, she arrived at T+18

Pregnancy 2 : induced at T+14, he arrived at T+15
ridiculous how overdue I was :shakehead:

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