how often?


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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do u leave ur children?
i leave B to go to work 3 days a week and every other sat afternoon for footy!
just asking coz me and mum have just had a talk and she dont think i leave him enough like i never go out at nite etc in the last 2 yrs i have only been out at nite bout 3 times
i was just wondering wot others do?
When my ex was havin keeley twice a week then i wasn't havin her for two days durin the week but always had her back at night...

But since that has ended in the last 4 months i have only left her once and that was to watch the simpsons movie and i hated leaving her :cry:

But i have a my income support interview in two weeks and i'm gonna get a part time job and i'm gonna hate being away from her :(
i leave Hannah for 2 hours on a wednesday night to go swimming
I work for 5 hours on a Thursday, and he goes to my moms.
I have the occasional night out, maybe once a month, maybe less, where I leave him at home with OH.
I've left Libby for one daytime whilst I went to work (10am til 5pm) with my mom & sis, and one evening when me & DH went out on a date :D

I was fine as I was soooo busy at work it kept my mind occupied, and on the evening one, I had settled her to bed before I went out :D

DH takes her out for a couple of hours if I have work to do, and again I barely notice she's gone :oops: as I am sooo busy trying to get my work done so I can spend time with her when she's back :D

MIL wants her overnight in Sept....but NO WAY!!! I won't do it :shakehead:
my son goes to my parents every weekend and comes back sunday.

Ive only left elora over night once with my parents :oops:

I dont get out much :(
Me and OH work full time so he's left with my Mum during the day but as my new job is 5 mins away from her house I always pop in and see him at lunch time. I don't know if this makes me sound like a bad Mum/person but i'm not fussed about leaving Harry, don't get me wrong I do miss him but I always leave him with my parents or OH's parents and I know he's in safe hands because they're the only ones I trust! He's going away for the week again next week and I'm really going to miss him :cry: I don't know how i'm going to survive without him and his cheeky grins, big hugs and giggles :cry:

Sorry about rambling on :oops:
awwww @ u lot

i cant wait for mine :D
Dior and Harley go to nursery 8am - 6pm monday and weds
and every thursday Dior will go to OH mums 8-5

and i get to go out when ever i want at night, but kids are asleep so it dont affect them
i cant leave her at all til shes on solids as she wont take a bottle! when i can tho i shall take full advantage of free babysitters (a.k.a. grandparents lol)
Princess_Puddles said:
Me and OH work full time so he's left with my Mum during the day but as my new job is 5 mins away from her house I always pop in and see him at lunch time. I don't know if this makes me sound like a bad Mum/person but i'm not fussed about leaving Harry, don't get me wrong I do miss him but I always leave him with my parents or OH's parents and I know he's in safe hands because they're the only ones I trust! He's going away for the week again next week and I'm really going to miss him :cry: I don't know how i'm going to survive without him and his cheeky grins, big hugs and giggles :cry:

Sorry about rambling on :oops:

I wish I found it that easy hun, I admire you for it actually, I hope maybe I'll feel different in time to come.....I'm not even going out for my birthday as no one I trust locally and I don't want her to go to either parents overnight :(

Was it hard when he was first away overnight? I'm dreading the first time the most (but think would feel better with my mom than MIL :oops: )
I only went ou for 1st time last week
i did feel strange until i got wasted and then i think every1 in swindon town knew that i had got a daughter lmfao
Becksss said:
I only went ou for 1st time last week
i did feel strange until i got wasted and then i think every1 in swindon town knew that i had got a daughter lmfao

awwwww bless ya! :D
I never leave the kids. Not that I don't want to but no one will have them.
I go out about once every 3/4 months with the girls, and even less with the OH :?

Although my Gran had him all night the other night (first time in a year that I haven't had him all night!!) which was great!!! :)

I have only left Kiara over night 3 times and once was wheni was in hospital with Kadyn. I am such a suck and hate leaving her and Kadyn dont plan on leaving him anytime soon either :)
My friends and family always say to leave them with them so i could go out but i would rather stay home with them.
Sarah&Braydon said:
do u leave ur children?
i leave B to go to work 3 days a week and every other sat afternoon for footy!
just asking coz me and mum have just had a talk and she dont think i leave him enough like i never go out at nite etc in the last 2 yrs i have only been out at nite bout 3 times
i was just wondering wot others do?

I hardly ever leave Dan, just a few times for a few hours with my mum and once with my brother and his OH overnight. I have left him more with his dad when I've been down my local a few times, but I don't really count that as leaving him as he's at home with his dad.
Saying that though Sarah, I'm nearly 30, I've been out ALOT in my life! You are a young woman on your own and should be going out once in a while and letting your hair down. It will do you good :dance: :dance:
But don't be forced into anything, it's up to you hun. You know what's best for you and your son :hug:
Sophie goes to her grans every Tuesday (apart from today as she's ill) but other than that she's with me!
Short answer, never.

OH had him once whilst I dropped my nan off which takes an hour and half, Eefie screamed the place down (apparantly) the entire time I was gone so he's with me 24/7. In the evenings OH will sit with him but I'm usually making tea then feeding & changing Eefie anyway so I'm around him constantly. I'm not comfortable with anyone else having him just yet and I'm a homebody so dont feel the need to go out.

If I was younger and still into clubs then I'd probably go out in the evenings more but am happy as I am with my slippers :lol:

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