how often should i be seeing my MW now?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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well, im complicated because im still under consultant care, and need to see them at least every 4 up to now. The MW i saw 2 weeks ago said that she wants a MW to see me every two weeks, but they can link these in with seeing the consultant. Is two weeks at this stage normal? just seems like quite a lot already! (Bear in mind this time with alice i was up daily to be seen :roll: )

He was measuring small last time (pah!) so hopefully he has had a bit of a growth spurt, or i see a MW who listens to me about having lower fluid levels last time - i recon that is what is causing it to measure small (i don't blooming feel small!!!!). if not, i will get another scan.

i still don't know if they will let me go naturally (over 37 weeks). Im planning to start taking my Raspberry tea leaf in the new year either way - it seemed to help last time, we will see this time. im actually really scared about going over 37 weeks and being allowed to go naturally - ive sat awake at night in tears because the idea is scaring me so much!! Ive no idea why, i feel so blooming stupid, but it really scares the poop out of me!!! :oops:

Its weird, you would think that i should be more prepared, but i feel like a complete novice - i have NO idea what is normal in terms of treatment!!! :rotfl:
hi!! i have just started to see my MW more often (and the same one!) i saw her today,the last appt before that was 28 weeks,from now on she said they will be fortnightly,although she wants to see me again next week as she found glucose in my water today and wants to monitor it :doh:
oh the things they found in my wee last time - there wasn't a week when they didn't find something new :wall: :wall:

been 'little nasties' free this time around.

fortnightly seems about right then. It just seems loads at this stage (although, it isn't really that long away is it!!!)
I went every three weeks from 28 weeks. I got one a week early at 39 weeks instead of 40 though because of Christmas.

I think my midwife might as well move in now though - she came to see me at home on Monday and is coming round again on Friday! I think she just likes coming round for tea and biscuits though (and I'm sure she stayed a bit later on Monday to watch the end of Dickinson's Real Deal! :rotfl: )
Im every 2 weeks at the min im measuring big x x
another quick MW related question... is it normal to not see your named MW?

She is the same one i had as my named MW with alice who i saw only a few times (and the stupid moo forgot about me and alice after she had been born - i sat in all day waiting for her to turn up and she never did! grr).

anyway, ive not seen her since they booked me in. I have to go to my local hospital to see my MW's though as that is where they are based. My GP is too small for a nurse let alone a MW (i think im his only pg lady at the moment), so there are a few there.

Am i the only person to have such pathetic contact with a named mw? Not that im overly fussed, but the MW who saw me last time was lovely and really seemed to understand the problems i had last time, whereas my named one doesn't seem to have the time of day for me :roll: . I may ask to swap if there is more chance i will see her more often than any old mw...
god i think ive seen my middy fornightly from bout 20 weeks as this baby is always causing concern little bugger :rotfl: I usually see the same middy, or oneof 2 which i dont mind as they are both lovely :hug:
Mel&Bean said:
god i think ive seen my middy fornightly from bout 20 weeks as this baby is always causing concern little bugger :rotfl: I usually see the same middy, or oneof 2 which i dont mind as they are both lovely :hug:

Thinking back i don't think ive seen the same person twice (apart from the ones that just do my BP and wee tests before i see my consultant, but they never chat if you catch my drift - they are more like nurses.....)
thats a shame, mine are lovely, plus they are the ones i saw when pg with Hope and they are always very talkative, maybe you could request top see the same one everytime hun??
Mel&Bean said:
thats a shame, mine are lovely, plus they are the ones i saw when pg with Hope and they are always very talkative, maybe you could request top see the same one everytime hun??

don't get me wrong, most of them are lovely, but im just getting a bit sick and tired of every time i see someone having to go over my past history, again, and again, and again :wall: :wall:

I might see who i see today (got an appointment at 2.40). I just don't know if its normal to see different people and by me asking im being overly cheeky :oops:

Hows the itching been huni?
i think if your surgery is run by many different middys its quite common, but once again there are about 10 at our surgery and i get the same two, i do think its because of the fact i had them before and they like to know how im getting on and what not, thy must be nosey. Its not cheeky to ask hun, if you wana see ther same person then y9u should be able to, its your pregnancy :hug:
I just see whoever is available I think it's been someone differnet every time too! At the moment I'm going every 4 weeks, next one is 15th January at 32 weeks so it may change then! :D
its rubbish tbh the policies have changed, we used to see them alot more often but docstors thought they were spending too much time with patients, thats why you have to wait to see the middy so long nowadays :roll:
god, il tell you what else annoys me. Just because ive been through it once, im expected to understand it all 100% this time around. :wall: :wall:

I feel more out of my depth this time around than the first time! where as before they explained it all to me, now im having to pay attention because they skip so much!!
if anything yopu know lees this time round, as it just goes out of your head, i think people should be more informative tbhas it is their jobs afterall
I'm also consultant lead and have also seen them every 4 weeks with a midwife appt fitted in every 2 weeks.

I had another consultant appt monday just gone and then they have booked me in for a week past my due date (I really do not intend to go if I have my way although baby may think differently!) but I'm due at MW in another 2 weeks when I'll be 38 weeks then the consultant has said they will ask the MW to do a sweep at 39 or 40 weeks.

I fel like I'm always seeing someone!

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