How often is baby supposed to move?


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2008
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Quick Question:

Yesterday my baby was moving ALL DAY...

Today its been maybe one kick so far...

How often are they supposed to move?

My LO is always asleep I think!!

He gives maybe 1-2 kicks in the morning when I wake up, then doesn't really move until the evening when OH gets home, has about 10-20mins of kicks now and then, and maybe sometimes one kick before bed time.

I don't mind him sleeping so much...just hope he keeps it up when he pops out!

I had a few cakes at work a few days ago as it was someones birthday and he was kick boxing in there for hours!! :lol:
I was worried about this too one evening and called the delivery suite at about 24 weeks. They told me they don't give ladies in this area the movement chart at 28 weeks any more as when do you start to worry? 8 kicks? 9 kicks? Not quite making the average 10!

They told me that as long as I have felt SOMETHING, then they're not worried. Babies get in some awkward positions at times so maybe your LO is facing your back and your poor placenta is taking a beating!?

Have you got a doppler? Maybe listening to bubs heartbeat will help ease your mind? - I bet your LO will be performing a martial arts on you today!

If you're ever worried, call the delivery suite at the hospital and they'll advise you on what to do to get maximum movement (like drinking cold water and then laying down).

I know how worrying it can be though so have a big ol' hug from me!! :hug: xxx
To make my LO's move, I used to lie on my back and push one side! Eventually they would give a wiggle! That may not work for everyone but worth giving a go if you get worried! :hug:
At this stage MW says to look out for 5 movements a day- kind of a ballpark..not long as you feel him/her everyday - dont be worried :)
AHHH Thanks everyone!

She started moving again overnight....quite a few kicks while I was in bed. :sleep: :shock: :sleep: :shock: :sleep:

I *was* starting to get worried because the day before she'd been going mad in there and then it seemed like nothing.

Just makes me realise how much I love her!

Awww :hug: :hug:
It is worrying though isnt it? i remember panicking with my others and no doubt i will this time too! :roll: Unluckily they said I have an anterior placenta too! :roll: With any luck it will not cause me too much worry!
Hey I have an anterior placenta!!! It means the placenta is near the front doesn't it?

I've still felt her kicking...


I posted about the very same thing earlier in the week, i hardly noticed her moving at all for about 3 days although i could hear her moving on the doppler so she must have just been kicking me backwards i think, i also have an anterior placenta,

She is back to normal again now and i am more than happy to be booted, it did make me quite anxious thought for those few days
Yeh they say when you have an anterior placenta, you dont feel as many movements as they are absorbed by the placenta! :roll:
Little monkey attaching to the wrong blinking place hahaha its things like this that make me think shes a girl!!! Stubborn! hee hee
Mine had hardly moved at all all day Saturday and Sunday when I was at home...

It started again with a few kicks late last night and today at work it's going mental again and kicking seven bells out of me!

I think it just doesn't like work......... that's my baby!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I find she kicks much less if im walking about alot but if I'm sat down more like at work then she is far more active, babies have more active days and quieter days same as the rest of us is hard not to worry though I do if haven't felt her for a few hours and then have to make her kick to reasure me probably really pee's her off being woken up! :rotfl:

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