How often has your baby been unwell so far?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
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Im just curious, this is the 3rd time that Antonio has suffered with high temperature. He has had a mild/low temperature after his jabs which we all know is normal however putting that a side hes also has 3 cases of very high temperature that has come out of the blue. Me and OH dont feel ill ourselves. We give Antonio half the advised dose of Calpol to try and shake the temperature which usually works but hes been getting a high temperature nearly every other week now!!

Have your LO's been unwell this often? What has been the causes?

T xx
Hi Hun,

He had a cold with a bit of a temp at 8 weeks and he's just getting over a tummy bug which has made him a bit snuffley but not high temp with this one xxx
She was a little 'off' the week after her jabs but otherwise we've been lucky. She caught a cold off me but kicked it faster than I did.

So 1 small snuffle.
Cally had to have antibiotics at 3 days as she had a smelly button :puke: and then she was ill after her 3rd jab whe she kept throwing everyhting up for about a day but was ok apart from that. She has had a slight cold (Seren is at nursery and I have to take Cally in with me, so she gets exposed to more runny noses then normal) but it went really fast.
Evie's only been off colour after her jabs but i have a stinking cold at the moment which I am worried about her catching :(
Except being grizzly after her first jabs for a day or so, she has been fine (touch wood).
Connie woke up with a blocked nose one morning but it went by lunchtime. She was mardy after her first jabs (but not her second). Other than that, nothing.

Amazing really since she's bottlefed so according to the NHS she should be terribly unhealthy and probably dead by now :rotfl:
Charlotte was always ill at first- but I think this was due to her going to nursery at 7 weeks.

However now she is 10 months she seems to never get sick so it must have built her immune stystem up and not even her jabs have bothered her.

She only had fever once,it was back in February,she was unwell for 2-3 days.
Since then nothing,apart from the odd ''off'' day when she's teething. we've been really lucky with her.
Evie has had a cold once which was quite a bad cold. She gets the odd snuffley day here and there but thats about it....

**frantically looks for wood to touch**
Calleigh has yet to be ill (touches wood)
Once did suspect a funny tummy but just had a few nasty nappies, no temp or anything.
Oh and she got a bit grumpy after her 3rd set of jabs, because of the big nasty red marks left by the needle on her little leggies :(
Angel had quite a bad cold when she was about 2 weeks old. Then a high temperature a short time ago, but it think that was just the start to teething.
Austin had a couple of mild colds when he was small. Then he got a horrible sickness bug at 11 months & couldn't keep anything down for nearly a week. Then he got chicken pox 2 weeks later!

Since his birthday he's had a couple of scary nights with high temperatures but nothing too serious thank god. We've never had to go to A&E or anything (touches wood).
Lawd last time imogen was ill was when she was 5 weeks old with a cold. And she was formula fed
you wait if you ever put him in nursery they get everything! Ky has had countless colds and snotty nose, a nasty stomach bug he caught on holiday which made him violently sick for 24hrs and has just got over a horrible chest infection which he needed antibiotics for. Chicken pox is currently going around his nursery so im waiting for that now :roll: He was fine with his jabs. the only difference i saw with him was the first set, he was very very sleepy and cuddly which isnt like him at all.
Logans been fine so far, apart from a bit of a temp after each jab.

I agree about nursery. When James first started going at 18 months he was ill every other week for a couple months till his immune system got used to all the extra germs going around. Now he's hardly ever ill. Since we moved up here two years ago he's seen the doctor once, and that was for his mmr jab :)
James has had a cold, chest infection & tummy bug - poor bambino! I thought I was REALLY doing something wrong but Mum tells me its normal. I go out alot with James so its hardly suprising he picks these things up.

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