How often are you seeing your midwife?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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I had my booking in appointment at 10 weeks at home. Then I had nothing until I went for my 20 week scan and had an appointment after that.
I have an appointment at the clinic to see the midwife there at 24 weeks, but then I have to go back to the consultant clinic at the hospital as with my last baby I had IUGR and they need to keep a close eye on this baby's growth. So that appointment is 28 weeks.

If everything is alright there then I wont have another one till 32 weeks (i think), then it will be 34, 36 then 38 and then I'll have one at 39 and one at 40.

If growth is worrying them at 28 weeks then I'll be sent for growth and doppler scans each week for them to keep an eye on her growth.
i had my booking in appointment at 8 weeks then i am not in again until the 1st of july when i will be 17 weeks then 20 week scan at nearly 22 weeks
Had booking in appointment with midwife at 11 weeks, scan at hospital at 13 weeks then back to midwife for blood tests for downs at 15 weeks.

Next see midwife for a check up at 22 weeks, then more blood tests at 28 weeks and again at 36 weeks.

Been a different midwife at each appointment so far, is this normal do you think or have you folks been given a specific contact?

Sarah x
I had a booking in appointment at 8 weeks, a scan at 12 weeks and then have seen my M/W monthly since then but I don't see her again until 9th july and I last saw her in may (can't remember how many weeks I was! :oops: )
Think it depends on where you live
My appts go like this:

9wks Community Midwife at local clinic
13wks Dating scan
14wks Hospital anti-natal clinic for booking and bloods
19wks Community Midwife at local clinic
20wks Detailed scan
22wks Doppler scan with Consultant (as risk of pre-eclampsia)

The consultant has marked my notes as "Customised Schedule" for anti natal care, but in my printed area of notes it shows level 1 and level 2 schedules.
Midwife appts for level 1 are at 18w (discretionary), 24w, 28w,32w, 34w, 36w,38w, 40w, and 41w.
level 2 are the same except 18w is standard and 30w is an extra and inc blood tests
i am guessing the difference betwteen people's different schedules is to take into account of identified risk factors. the fewer appts you have the better you are healthwise maybe?

In my notes though my first contact midwife-wise is my community midwife not hospital ones, but urgent probs/queries i'm to call GP.

Hope this helps (sorry for long post!),
Sarah x
I had my booking appointment at 6 weeks, scan at 12 weeks. I was due to make another MW appointment at 14 weeks but they didn't have any space then so I'm going at 15 weeks instead.

There's a sticker in my notes that say I should have appointments as follows:

6-10w midwife booking & bloods
12w dating scan
14w M/W
20w anomoly scan
24w M/W
28w M/W & bloods
32w, 34w, 36w, 38w, 40w, 41w M/W
41+5w midwife, refer for induction
I'm seeing my midwife about every 5 weeks at the moment. I have to see a consultant in a couple of weeks to talk about the chances of having another premature birth so it might change after that. I may be referred for scans every 2 weeks I have been told??? Would be nice!
mines every four weeks then as i get to 30+ weeks ill be seeing her every 2 weeks upto birth.
Seeing consultant at 36 weeks to see what position baby is in as id love a water birth :D
to be honest the less i have to see anyone the better, with my last i didnt even tell anyone till i was 22 weeks and then my midwife came to my home about 3 times which was more than enough for me, i have been a little more cautious this time only because as i am told daily im an older mum.
I have the same midwife this time as i have had with all my other children so she is now an old friend.
I saw a midwife at around 7 weeks to book my scan etc. Scan at 12 weeks. I have an appointment to see my practive midwife at 16 weeks then my 20 week scan. Then I have a 28 week glucose/anti D appointment but that's as far as I know so far.

Strange as it is, I'm quite happy to hardly be seeing them. I feel like if they don't need to see me, everythings ok and I can just get on with it. :D
I had my booking appointment, then she came home to see me, then i went back about a month ago for blood tests ( to check for D/S, Spina Bifida) and then got another appointment on the 25th this Month! :D
Because im a first time mum we see midwife more often then others here but mine went....

9 weeks - early pregnancy class, told to take folic acid etc, group thing.
10+5 - Dating scan
12 weeks - booking in appointment bloods taken.
15 weeks - midwife, bloods taken for downs test, heartbeat heard on dopler
20+3 - anomoly scan
24 +5 - midwife, fundal done, heart heard
28+3 - midwife, fundal taken, heart heard, more bloods taken
31+5 - doctor seen, same as midwife except doctor is crap!!
34+5 - midwife, fundal done, heart heard
36+4 - midwife, as above
38+4 - midwife (i assume will be as above)

then i have a 40 week one (will probably be 40+5 and a 41 weeks one, which again will prob be 41+5.

I keep seeing a different midwife and tbh it doesnt bother me, the more of the team i know the more i'll be familiar regardless of who i see
8 weeks - First meet blood taken and explained all the stuff asked all her questions
12weeks - scan
14weeks - check up listen to heart
20 weeks - scan
21 weeks - check up and scan notes
25 weeks - check up

My next one is at 29 weeks for more blood and measurements then I will be seeing lots more of her, I think they said every 2weeks after that.

This is thetimeline they gave me!
8-10 weeks booking in
12 weeks blood tests and dating scan
16 weeks MW and serum screening
18-20 Anotmoy scan
20-24 weeks Wellbeing assessment and discussion
25 weeks MW
28 weeks -MW and blood test
31 weeks - MW
34 weeks - MW
36 weeks - MW
38 weeks - MW
40 weeks- MW
41 weeks hospital app to be induced

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