How offten do you give your LO Calpol..?


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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Or Calprofen etc etc...

And what for?

I give Calpol (3ml, the dose for his age is 5ml) about 2-3 times a week at the moment, for his teeth... usually in the morning, they seem to really bother him.

ALWAYS the sugar free version too.

Just wondered how offten your LO gets this. I do use teething powders and bonjela as my 1st choice, probly why LO dont get much calpol.
Evie's had Calpol twice- once before her 8 week jabs and once before her 12 week jabs x
Oh jabs, yeah, thats a popular time!! Never given Corey any then though, luckly it never affected him... (Last set next week :cheer: )
i rarely give calpol. i use it for high temps mainly. my eldest has it the most as every time he's ill his temps shoot up and if i don't catch it in time he'll end up hospitalised.
Becky's had it once - she was fretful after her first set of jabs. Didn't need it for the second set, though. Hasn't had any since.
i give thomas 1ml whenever he needs it if hes in pain i use it to help, if its his teeths i use bongela or powders
Manda&Thomas said:
i give thomas 1ml whenever he needs it if hes in pain i use it to help, if its his teeths i use bongela or powders

How heavy is Thomas?! Do you find 1ml enough. I hate giving it enough as it is, so try and give as little as possible, hence the 3ml. Wonder if 1ml would do... hmmm :think:

No one wants their LO in pain, so we'll do anything to help.
twice for high temps ( one of those jab related) once cos i just didnt know what was wrong with him and he was snotty etc so presumed a headache / sort throat . only ever the half dose tho . i use powders and a necklace for teething .
HertsMummy said:
Manda&Thomas said:
i give thomas 1ml whenever he needs it if hes in pain i use it to help, if its his teeths i use bongela or powders

How heavy is Thomas?! Do you find 1ml enough. I hate giving it enough as it is, so try and give as little as possible, hence the 3ml. Wonder if 1ml would do... hmmm :think:

No one wants their LO in pain, so we'll do anything to help.

thomas is 13lb 12oz i find 1ml just takes the edge off it enough without making him too droozy/sleeping like i find he gets with the 2.5ml :)
When Lucy was small I gave it to her if she was unwell or if she was teething and the gel hadn't worked.

I didn't give it to her a lot but I also gave her it at times when I'd tried everything else and had a gut feeling that calpol was the right thing to do.

I found it hard wondering if I was doing the right thing giving the calpol but sometimes it was the right answer. Lucy got her two bottom teeth at teh same time by the time she was 4 months and the top two in the next month, the teething gel just wasn't enough at times!
Just after lil miss' first set of jabs as her leg swelled up and hurt, the day before bottom teeth came in... and last month she had a severe urine infection and was in pain with a high temp so had calp on and off for 5 days or so, till she got antibiotics :roll:

I always give it if there is a need after all you'd have meds if you had a headache...but there has to be a real obvious need... If they build up a tolerance for the med then its no good when you really need it...

edit: to say... my wisdom teeth came in when Tia was teething and I had all the sympathy in the world for her... cutting teeth is incredibly painful... :(
I try not to give Sam it too often he's teething quite bad at the moment and I have found the Ashton and Parsons powders quite good. I wasn't too sure at first whether they made a difference but he seems happier when he has had them.

My HV gave me 'her permission' the other day to give him it 4 times a day if he needs it when I asked her the same question :roll:
Calpol is good for general aches, pains teething etc, as it helps relieve pain, and Ibuprofen (whichever baby brand) is great for reducing high temps etc.

I tend to use calpol when zac has a cold/cough etc and seems to be in pain and then if he gets a temp I switch to the Ibuprofen. The doctors advised me of all this when I was in hospital with Zachary last winter when he was having febrile convulsions.
Just once so far after her 1st set of jabs, she has her 2nd lot tomorrow so I might be giving it again but will see how she gets on.
I've used Calpol once since Galen was born. He is teething now, can feel his pegs there but don't like to give him too much Calpol as want to save it for when its really needed. Am making do with other things for now like teething rings and so on.

I worry about the overuse of Calpol and it then having a negative effect and LO becoming too dependant on it and suffering withdrawal from it. Believe it or not this does happen. Plus he might then not feel the benefits of it when I really do need it for him.
when Hayden had his op he was put on calpol 3 times a day for a week and it was a measured dose of the 6+ one as pain relief but i haven't really given him any since or before i don't think :think: i have given him Medised a few times hes had 2 colds since he was born and both times Medised was great. He has a cold now but i'm just using vicks, carvol etc at the moment if he gets any worse i'll probably use Medised it usually helps.I also don't want to use them medicines too much because i want them to be effective when he badly needs them.
when James was poorly I was advised to give him Calpol maximum dose for about 5 days. I use it when he needs it together with Neurofen at the same time. He is having them both twice a day at the moment for his teeth. Ive been doing that for about 3days now.
Ellies had calpol a few times when other methods have failed, I only give it when she needs it but there have been a few times when I have felt she has. I have used it for injections, temperature control, when she had a virus she was on it for 2 weeks (under gp supervision), thrush & teething when shes been really bad. Its paracetamol and I really cant see how a small amount when needed is a bad thing, its like people frown down on you for using it :? I dont understand, its there for a reason and I definately do not feel guilty for giving it Ellie on several occasions as I would rather my baby be pain free!!

I wasnt aware that babies could get withdrawal symptoms from using it :think: surely they would have to be having it constantly over a very long period of time to have withdrawal symptoms?

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