How much?


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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Just out of interest, how much formula does/did your LO have at 7 weeks? Reason I ask is that James has been having 6oz bottles every 4hours for weeks, but he is now wanting a feed every 2-3 hours which means he is having near enough 40oz a day ( he sometimes leaves a little bit) I meantioned this to the HV and she said not to change him to Second Milk because it will probably upset his tummy but he is always hungry. It seems like he never gets a good sleep/nap because he is always wanting a feed and its making him grumpy. Mum suggested the rice in the bottle :talkhand: I dont wanna cause any arguements but has anyone tried this? James weighed 10lb 13oz a few days ago so he is gaining nicely...shoudl hope so too the amount he has LOL

Oh I should mention that I dont wanna give him more than 6oz at the mo because if I give him more he is sick but he is always looking for more :doh:

What would you do? Any advice appreciated, thanks in advance :hug:
I'd try hungry baby milk, I didn't even consult with my HV when doing this. Jack was the same, had loads of milk but never seemed settled. Once I moved him to HB milk he was llike a different baby, he just seemed so much more content. :) Can't advise you on rice in a bottle as I never have/would try it.
Growth spurt time? He may settle down again in a few days. Don't know how long this has been going on so just a throw it out there thought.

I thought of the hungry baby formula but don't know if its suitable for James or if he needs it. Opinion on it is divided also.
When Isaac never seemed satisfied with his formula we moved him to C&G hungrier baby and he definitely settled down and was much happier. Our HV wasn't keen on suggesting it but we felt we were more equipped to decide what was best for him :) He eventually moved back down to normal formula and was not effected at either change. I'd do that before babyrice personally, hungrier baby formula is a slower digesting formula, that's how it works, whereas babyrice is solids, so a much bigger change for LO's tummy. Whatever you decide I do hope he settles and you're both happy with the change, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
ryan was on hungry baby milk from 4weeks old (as well as breast milk) and was having 6oz every 90 mins!
I never bothered with the hungry baby milk though was very tempted to at the same stage as you! Becky still goes 3 hours between feeds during the day - she only takes 5oz a feed (she won't take more EVER) but is now up to 12lb 7oz so gaining well.

I saw the misery my cousin went through with her LO and constipation when she switched to hungry baby milk so that put me right off, along with the HV and GP advising me against it. The constipation stopped as soon as she switched back to SMA gold from white. Same happened to me as a baby too. Just bear in mind it isn't actually satisfying their hunger, all it's doing is making them feel full by sitting in their stomach for longer. Baby rice is more calories than he needs and isn't really suitable for such a wee baby.

If he's feeding more often the chances are he really needs it. I would say just go with what he's telling you hun :hug:
He might just be on a growth spurt just now Sarah?
hi ladies

he has been like this for 2 weeks now, we are going through sooooo much calculations were out...he is having more like 50-60oz a day. He wont take more than 6oz a time though else he throws it up cos his tummy isnt big enough :roll:

I'll leave him another week and if he is still going like it then I think its safe to assume its not a growth spurt and he is just one hungry little dude

I moved Ja onto the hungry baby milk at 9 weeks, I can't remember how many oz he was having and how often but I do remember that he was really unsettled and grumpy! Once he moved onto the hungry baby milk he was like a different baby :D So happy and content!

I'd just like to add that I was feeding him on demand and he was taking as much milk as his little stomach could manage but changing his milk was the best thing I could of done :D
My friend had a big baby and used hungry baby milk, but she didn't give it to him at every feed as it made him constipated. You could try that? It didn't affect him, changing over.

I really wouldn't try baby rice, he is far too young for any sort of solids as their kidneys etc can't cope and they can get really poorly.
Evie was like this last week but has gone back to 6ozs ever 4 hours again now. I think it was just a growth spurt. I'm waiting until she gets to 12 weeks before I start putting her on second milk.

:wink: After 4 or 5 days of constant feeding though she stopped and is now sleeping through :wink: :dance:
Thomas is the same age as james and he is on 5oz bottles every 3 hours sometimes i can push him to 4 hours but only if hes sleeping :)
if he cant take anymore milk id try to hungry baby milk hun might work well for him and you dont know unless you try
as for putting rice in his bottles i wouldnt recomend it as they cant control what they drink from a bottle properly so he might choke :(
if he needs it just feed him a bit off a spoon i may be doing this with thomas soon
good luck

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