How much milk?


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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Hi Girls,

Charlie was 8lb 8oz when born and started on 90ml, every 3 to 4 hours.

He's now 9lb 2oz and is on 150ml every 3 to 4 hours but he never seems to settle well, ESPECIALLY at night! So bad at night that we usually end up feeding him every 1.5/2 hours. He generally wakes up from 11pm til 5am and its just constant whinging & then crying. He just wont settle.

Today has been particularly bad! He was up all night, then asleep from 4.30 til 8 when he woke up for another feed, then asleep again until midday but since midday, he just hasnt settled!

We've just fed him again but still one very unhappy little monkey! :(

Just wondering if anyone knows if his milk consumption is normal or if theres something we're doing wrong/not doing?!

We're exhausted and just want our little man to be happy!
Sounds like he might have abit of colic! Have you tried giving him infacol? My Charleys on 4oz's every 3 hours, not sure what he weighs though!
Yeah sounds like a bit of trapped wind. Drake is on 150ml now at 6 weeks so your boy is on a good amount! I give mine a bit of gripe water if he's struggling to bring a bit of wind up.
hes done this since we brought him home and we've tried winding him for ages and have tried infacol but that didnt help and just gave him diarhoea :(
What milk is he on? Perhaps it's not agreeing with him?
we started on cow and gate but found it went frothy and thought this could be causing wind, so then tried sma gold, and this afternoon weve started sma hungry baby xx
Hmmm, worth a try! Keep an eye on constipation with the hungry baby though, cos it's more concentrated.

Does he drink the whole 150ml? In one go or does he stop frequently for winding?
Yeah, I had heard that hungry baby can cause constipation. Will keep an eye on it.

He drinks the whole lot but we stop him frequently for winding, between every 30 and 50ml.
Sounds like your doing everything right Hun! Fingers crossed the hungry baby formula will help!
thanks hun, its nice to hear someone say im doing it right. it doesnt feel like i am and i feel like the worst mum ever when he wont settle! xx
Hi hon, try dentinox - it's an alternative to infacol (which i dodnt find much use) and ella has been like a new (happy) baby since she has been on it.
Hey sounds like your doing everything right! we had this prob with joshua and found out he has a lactose and cows milk intolerance. It was so draingin would never settle after food was permanently screaming and changed his milk to nutramigen. We tried doing colief at first as well, which is another alternative to infacol but also helps break down the lactose for him and it only partially worked and then nutramigen which as well as being for his lil intolerances means he produces less wind in general and hes so much happier. I realise its a bit of a jump but bear it in mind. Nutramigen and colief are really expensive (colief is 12.99 for a 7ml bottle and nutramigen is approx 23.00 for half a week) so had to get the Hv to prescribe both and shes been a wonderful help. I know what you mean about feeling bad when they wont settle i used to cry my yes out htinking i was a terrible mum... but you;re not and i wasn't it was just a bit of guesswork to see what the prob was! and now hes fine and we can enjoy him....

Fingers crossed the hungry baby works for you as i know how stressful it can be! otherwise it may be worth mentioning it to the HV. We recorded some of his screams and unsettled tiems to show her cos he always managed to sleep during the period of time she was here and then wake up after she left but she told us that after a bottle 9he was 5.5 weeks taking 4oz) that he should settle. He might not even go to sleep straight away but he shouldn't be crying/uncomfortable if all wind is up.....

Anywaya hope you get it sorted - for your own sanity's sakE :) x
I was told by my HV to stop giving my baby the hungry baby milk as it just bloats the baby she said to change her teat to number 2, but your baba might not be ready for number 2 yet. x
Dont feel bad hun it's not your falt he wont settle, some babies are like that mine is aswell. x
Harvey went up to 15oml at around the same age but now he's 5 wks old he has bottles at the same intervals as before but he now doesnt drink as much now between 90-120ml most times but at night he tends to have the full 150ml!! I think Harvey has had some trapped wind as he hates farting and always crys when he does but he is good with the burping!!!
Hi girls,
Thank you for all your suggestions! :)

I think we've finally cracked it!!!!! He's just super hungry and is now guzzling 210ml every 6 hours.

I decided last night just to make up a big bottle of milk and see how he got on and he finally slept right through to his next feed!

Keeping my fingers crossed that he sleeps again tonight. It makes SUCH a difference to how I feel and how I cope with it all! :)


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