How much luck have you had with OPK's?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
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I've been POAS (atleast twice a day :rotfl: ) since CD9 but have either had no test line or a faint test line (never as dark as the control line). I have read that it isn't a positive unless its the same or darker than the control line. However today on FertilityFriend I have had a green light due to watery CM and a high, medium, medium CP. I also had a dip on my BBT chart.

What do you girls think? Does anyone never get a real + on the OPK'S?

They're ebay cheapies btw :)

The few that I did had a line that was a little lighter then the control line but I do not use them as my cycles can be long and it would cost me a fortune. I don't think a lot of ladies on here get a TRUE + on OPKs. I was sick of never knowing when I was OV so my OH has just bought me a CB fertility monitor so now I am waiting for cd1

I would get bding anyway as the dip and everything else sounds positive.

Sending you babydust :hug: :hug:
Hi, I use the ebay cheapies and normally start getting a faint line 3-4 days before ovulation. I normally test 3 days before OV and the line is faint, i test twice a day and gradually it gets darker. By the time i am about 12 - 24 hours from ovulation the line is nearly as dark as the control line. Its never been exactly as dark and definately not ever been darker. I keep all the tests over the space of the days so i can see them getting darker. Hope ths helps :hug:
i was all over the place when we ttc first time around and they confused me so i don't use them i stuck to charting temps and cm.
No I never had a "proper" positive, although took the line I did get as a positive - was nothing like the colour of the control line.

Like you I was testing twice a day, around 2pm and then again before I went to bed. One afternoon I had no line, when I tested again before bed there was a line, albeit nowhere near as dark as the control line, and the following afternoon when I tested the line had gone completely.

I only BD'ed the once the night I saw the line ( as ovulated a week earlier than the previous month so was all a bit unexpected), and got my BFP - so as far as Im concerned the line I got was definitely a positive for me.....I have a growing bump to prove it :D

I was also using the cheapie ebay ones............but did get the high sensitive ones - think they are 15MIu rather than the standard 40MIu ones.

Good Luck
I would probably say to listen to your body above all else, as I find it difficult to know with OPK's what is a positive and what's not (I recently posted my OPK pics and had mixed opinions on whether they were + or -). With your other symptoms (CM and CP) I would say it's time to stop POAS and start BDing :D
Thanks girls :hug: :hug:

I didnt realise our bodies were so complicated!

Well we got BDing yesterday so fingers crossed, plus my temp has gone up today so I guess 2 more higher temps will confirm ov :)
I get lines from a couple of days before ov that fade away after ov so I always take the strongest line I got as the positive
The first month I got a proper positive OPK was the month I got my bfp, I have got them a couple of times since but no bfp to follow
I tried using them but never really got on with them tbh. I always seem to test at the wrong time of day and get a faint line then I miss it getting really dark.

I would just go with cm and temping tbh.

Hope you get your BFP soon. :hug:

I use the ebay cheapies and do def get a stronger line, about the same as the control line not sure its ever darker tho.

Often get nothing at the beginning, then a feint line which gradually gets darker over days and then dark line nearly same as control. Then 24 hrs or so later gone! Back to nothing again.
I used cheapies for the 4 cycles I charted.
For 2 of those cycles I don't think I ov'd at all, in one cycle I got a def positive on the opk, but the month I got my bfp I never had a proper positive - it was quite dark but lighter than the control - and I did several a day to check!!
I would go by your other signs to be honest - especially your temperature.
:hug: :hug:

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