How much has everyone brought yet?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2006
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we really havent got anything yet, other than some small items like body suits etc. what abotu everyone else? we said we woudl look at stuff more after our 20 week scan, just to be on teh safe side (which is next week). i dont know where to start with stuff! Is there a list i can get hold of?
I have a list at home that came with a pregnancy magazine, I'll dig it out later and let you know unless anyone else already has a list on here somewhere?

We haven't got anything yet other than a blanket which my stepmom bought......we'll get a couple of bits after our 20 weeks scan, but gonna wait until the Jan sales before we really start buying stuff up.
There is also a list in the mamas and papas catalogue.

I'm terrible ... very impatient!

I've ordered my pram, cotbed, changing unit, nursery interior including curtains,mobile,curtains,light shade etc...

got a bit carried away with mamas and papas catalogue.

know it's early but couldn't help it :shock:
i brought a little outfit for baby and thats it really at the moment, plus i do have other things left over from my other children so i dont think i really have to buy that much
I cannot help buying stuff!! haha I got this lil hoody from Asda today
This is from Emma's Diary, and they say this should get you through the first 6 weeks......(remember you'll get loads of stuff as gifts too)

Things you definitely need:
Cot (plus mattress, blankets & sheets)
Car Seat
Pram/ Buggy/ travel system (one of these)
6 x sleepsuits/ long sleeved sleepsuits
6 x vests/ shortsleeved suits
2 x cardigans/ jackets
Shawl or snowsuit
Hat, mittens and bootees
Changing Mats
Bottles/ Teats/ Bottle Brush (needed if not breastfeeding)
Nursing Bra & Breast pads
Loads of bibs
Loads of towels/ flannels/ muslin squares (for bathing & dribbles)
Loads of kitchen roll and cotton wool pads
Brush & Comb

Things that are handy, but not essential
Moses Basket/ Crib (plus mattress, sheets and blankets)
Baby bath
Baby box or bag
Bouncy Chair
Baby Monitor
Changing Bag
Steam steriliser
Breast pump
Baby Lotion
Baby wipes
Bath thermometer
Nail scissors
Nappy Wrapper

Obviously, this list is a good basic list, and you can shop around the recommendations to get the stuff that suits you.......Happy Shopping :cheer:
Finished all mine now..apart from picking up the travel system and a few bits family are buying for us.

Its such a relief lol
we have got the travel system, cotbed, mattress, a few sheets and blankets. baby bath, steriliser, changing mat, cot mobile. thats about it so far, try to get a few bits when me and OH go out together shopping. plenty of time ....i hope!!

don't forget xmas is coming up and we have made a list of what people can get us for christmas as everyone is asking what we want. its like a wedding list!! :rotfl:

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