How much food?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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I am struggling a bit at the moment getting Grace's portion sizes right...originally I don't think I was feeding her enough as she would be hungry/grizzly and when I compared it to what my friends babies were having it wasn't much. So then I upped it quite a bit and she put on 10ounces in 2 weeks! So now I'm worried I'm overfeeding her! How much do you feed your babies? Do you give them "ice cubes" of food if so how many cubes at each meal? x x
Exactly the question I was going to ask - Jack will literally keep eating, I've been told babies won't overeat but now I'm not sure. Will be interested to hear from other mummies! x
Tonight for dinner he had half a large jacket potato (the same as his 6 year old brother!!!) mashed together with butter, cheese and beans, a banana yoghurt and 2 organix rice cakes.

For breakfast he's having a whole weetabix, whereas Lennon was only having half at this age, or 3 big spoons of Readybrek made up.

He just seems to be able to eat and eat and eat. My childminder says he's eating her out of house and home and I provide milk and meals for him too!! LOL.
Cam is proving a bit of a pain cos he misses his bottles even when I replace them with large meals.
I don't freeze in trays just portion it into breast milk freezer bags that I had left over. If he's full he clamps his mouth shut lol x
Tonight for dinner he had half a large jacket potato (the same as his 6 year old brother!!!) mashed together with butter, cheese and beans, a banana yoghurt and 2 organix rice cakes.

For breakfast he's having a whole weetabix, whereas Lennon was only having half at this age, or 3 big spoons of Readybrek made up.

He just seems to be able to eat and eat and eat. My childminder says he's eating her out of house and home and I provide milk and meals for him too!! LOL.

Wow he is doing well! x x
Princess Stanley does that with his mouth too! We've had a few instances of him batting the spoon out of my hand!! Lol

Stanley has :

8oz milk when he gets up
Bowl of porridge for breakfast about an hour later
4oz at 10am
Lunch is normally same as dinner lol poor thing but he has a bowl full of like chicken, steamed veg, baby gravy and potato for example, followed by half a banana at lunch and a yoghurt at dinner!
6oz bedtime bottle

Lol wow sounds like a right little piggy haha but he's gaining steadily and is still following the same percentile xx

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