How much do you drink?!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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For weeks now, I have been drinking soooooo much!!

Before I was pregnant, admittedly I probably didn't drink enough, a drink with each meal and that was it.

Now, I've lost count of how much I drink during the day, at night I get up and usually go through about 4-5 pints of water or squash, during a meal I will have about 2 pints while eating and another after, even sometimes downing a pint of water or squash before I even start eating!

OH thinks I am doing it just for the sake of it, but I am genuinely THAT thirsty!! :think:
I only drink from an old water bottle i the house- it drives OH crazy. It holds 750ml and I fill it up about three times during the day. So probably only a couple of litres a day. I do get a lot more thirsty than before I was pregnant.

Alex xxx
Just wanted to ask if you have had a GTT? Only being really thirsty is a sign of diabetes, I sometimes have a real thirst on and down a pint of squash but in general I'm drinking no more than I used to, you must be spending so much time on the loo!!
Yeah had the Lucozade blood test thing and they said it all came back fine!

My mouth is constantly dry if I haven't had a drink in the last 30 mins! I can't go anywhere without water!
mmmmm i get dead thirsty too :dance: but i dont dare take drink to bed cos i pee enough as it is!!! :(

i think im going to set up camp on the toilet :cry: xxxxxxxx
I think it is related to all the weeing I have to do. I'm sure I must get through at least 6 pints of water and squash a day. I know that doesn't sound like loads but before being pregnant I hardly used to drink at all.

I wonder if it contributes to all the extra blood we are meant to be pumping around our bodies?
I think being thirsty is very common in pregnancy because baby is nicking alot of our water already...

I drink everything and anything, although im going off fizzy a bit as it doesnt quench m thirst so lots of fruit juice and squashs yummy!!

Steelgoddess said:
I drink everything and anything, although im going off fizzy a bit as it doesnt quench m thirst so lots of fruit juice and squashs yummy!!

Ditto on this! As much as I LOVE Diet Coke and Cream Soda, it's just not good enough!! Pineapple Juice, Apple Juice or Orange and Banana Juice! Mmmmmm
ive been drinking loads too, but i dont think this heat has been helping much. too hot :shakehead:
Mrs_Jay said:
ive been drinking loads too, but i dont think this heat has been helping much. too hot :shakehead:

Tell me about's already made me have TWO ice lollies today! So unfair! :shakehead:
HideiLu said:
Mrs_Jay said:
ive been drinking loads too, but i dont think this heat has been helping much. too hot :shakehead:

Tell me about's already made me have TWO ice lollies today! So unfair! :shakehead:

Only two? :oops: :oops: :D
Mildly said:
HideiLu said:
Mrs_Jay said:
ive been drinking loads too, but i dont think this heat has been helping much. too hot :shakehead:

Tell me about's already made me have TWO ice lollies today! So unfair! :shakehead:

Only two? :oops: :oops: :D

If a. the shop was nearer or b. I had my own freezer, It would easily be ten times that now!!! :oops: :oops:
Drinking more is normal and highly recommended in pregnancy its really important not to get dehydrated, every day your body apparently fully replemishes the amniotic fluid around the baby (and you pee out the old fluid!) so you have to have extra fluid for your body to this. Before I was pregnant I used to bring 1 1litre bottle of squash to work with me a day and that would generally be enough now I bring 1 2litre and a 1litre and always drink all the 2 litre and quite often most the 1litre I have a drink next to me all evening and at night when I go to bed I must drink so much in 24 hours but if I don't drink alot I can feel quite ill. I have also had GTT test and all was fine!
I also read that you shouldn't drink alot of fruit juice when pregnant as it will dehydrate you all the natural sugars etc, my book recommends watering it down which sounds horrid to me so Id just alternate fruit juice with squash or water to counterbalance it but if you drink loads of fruit juice on its own you will continually feel thirsty as its not making you more hydrated but slightly less!
Thanks Penstranze...never thought about that with the fruit juice! But I don't go over board on that as it's more costly! It's more water and squash than anything!

Glad I'm not the only one gulping down loads anyways! Since I've been pregnant, whatever my body asks for,I give it! x
I've been drinking loads more too. I was really bad early on in my pregnancy and was going all day without having a drink. Now I'm getting through 2-3 litres easily. I've been buying crates of 500ml bottles of water and find it easier to drink them than to have a drink in a glass, if that makes sense lol
im the same, i rarely drank before being pregnant and Matt was always telling me i should drink more but now im buying 6 packs of fizzy water every few days and this is on top of the jugs of squash im drinking.
I thought this was an alcohol question again! getting closer to the time that i might have a glass of something so getting a bit excited!
I've always drunk loads of water and can never not have a botle of water next to me- now its increased so i'm on the loo constantly! I'm thinking of setting up camp in the loo too- going shopping is a nightmare as always need to know where the nearest toilet is!
Oooh, loads! Maybe 5 - 6 pints a day? I have to have something on the go to drink all the time - can't bear the dry mouth/fuzzy head feeling I get from being too thirsty! I generally only drink lemon or orange squash, but occasionally I will have diet coke or fizzy water of some description, but they're not to quench my thirst - just to mix things up a bit!

C xxx

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