how much are we like our mums?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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ok, my mum and i are both 1.63m tall, both weigh 45/50kg when not pg and both have size 4 feet- also both started getting AFs when we were 13 years old.

just wondering if we'll hav such similarities when it comes to having babies! (she had me on her due date and labour only about 6 hours so i'm hoping so!)

anyone's birth experiences same as their mums???
Interesting!! I don't know yet..labour is (I hope) still 10/12 weeks away for me. Like you and your mum though were the same height, both prone to weight gain (both always dieting and moaning about the dieting!!) started AF at the same ages. I was concieved when Mum was 22, this baby was concieved when I was 27 - I came two weeks early. Praying LO does too - would hate to go overdue!! Not sure how long Mum was in labour with me for though (mental note to ask her!) so I'm really interested to see if I have a similar experience to her.

I have nothing in common with her really
shes messy im not
shes got light hair , me dark,
shes skinny, im on the bigger side

Oh there is one thing she had me through c-section and i had Kiara by c -section think thats it ,and we both have blue eyes.
Although there are similiarities between my mum and I (or my sister and my mum) our birth experiences have been very different.

My mum had my sister and I without pain relief and very fast labours both time around (I was nearly born in a toilet it was so quick!). Yet my sister and I have had difficult births with our children. :(

Shame it doesn't follow like mother like daughter.
My mother is a bit shorter than me. Similar body type normally although I've piled on the weight recently (my own fault - too many takeaways).
She's size 7 shoe and I'm size 8.
Both suffered from heavy periods that made us vomit and be basically bed-ridden all our lives until being pregnant.
Both have blue eyes and loads of beauty spots/moles all over ourselves.

Both had our period pains reduced drastically after having had babies
Both were induced
Both had epidural
Both had big babies (I was 9lbs something at birth, my daughter was 10lbs 10oz)

Difference: I was 21 when I had my daughter, whereas she was 34 when she had me.

Other than that, pretty similar I'd say!
My mom is about 5ft 4", black hair, grey eyes, dress size 22, longest labour was with me - 4 hours start to finish & I was 6 weeks premature.
I am 5ft 8", blonde hair (naturally but I dye it brown), blue eyes, dress size 14, labour was 12 hours start to finish & Libby was 4 days overdue.
So all in all, I am the milkmans :rotfl:
The only thing me and my mum have the same is our brown eyes :lol:
I'm 5'6 she's 5'1
I have naturally brown ( dye it black)
She has blonde hair
All her labours were short
Mine was 37hours

All my mums babies were under 7lb... Keeley was 7lb 15oz's
looks like we dont necessarily take after our mums then... rats! :roll:

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