How many years between babies?

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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hi girls,

so i know i'm only 5 months preggers and haven't the slightest clue about what is to come but i've started thinking about my second baby :oooo:

how many years do you have between your lo's or if you are first time preggers like me, how long do you think you'll leave it if you want more?

i think i'm quite a career minded person. i've just spent two years completing a postgraduate at uni part time while working full time, all to contribute to furthering my career.

luckily i finished before i got my bfp and so i have it now but of course after all the hard work i want to put it to use. i already work in the profession (HR) but progression is on hold for at least a year as it would mean a new job.

so me and OH discussed it and agreed that we would try for our second quite quickly to sort of (please dont take this the wrong way, i mean it nicely) get it out the way :blush: that way within a few years we have our family and i can go back to work (prob part time til babies get to school age).

have any of you thought of this yet or am i the only one? :whistle:

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I also want to progress up the career ladder - got an exam in October in fact :oooo: also five months preggers - also with my first :lol:
I'm torn. I want more (she says now) after this one but not sure on age gap. Was thinking a 2 year gap between them? Or ttc when this one is around 18 months? Not sure what is best, I'll make work fit around it but also want to have a successful career :eh: xx
I'm going to have an 18 month age gap which I think is perfect for my family as I want the children to be small and enjoy the same things at the same time.
i know its a cliche but it really is hard for women, i know for some its a simple choice but it isn't as easy for all. i really think the government should do more with the cost of childcare! sorry, went a bit :offtopic: there!

but having babies is the main reason women don't earn as much or progress as far as men in the workplace - more rights for women i, i never knew i was a feminist :shock:

:lol: I've been trying to convince the bosses to get a creche at work :oooo: I want my kids to be young together, there was just under 3 years between me and my sister I think I'd like less than that. My friend has 18 months between her two boys and they drive her crackers! Think that's the children as opposed to the age gap though ;) x
I will have 3 and a half years between mine...if my second pregnancy hadnt ended in mc there would have been only 22 months eeeek x
This just sparked a convo between me and OH as he wants 2 and he agrees 18 month wait before ttc. To be honest im not career minded at all I hate my job and am looking forward to the break and hoping to find a part time job after mat leave to spend time with our child.
I have been there done that with the career and now I want to be a mum!! I think that we will prob start trying at about 18 months (took us 6 months this time round) but defo not going on the pill after this baby so I guess it could be a lot quicker!!
Mainly I want to loose the baby weight before I have the second!!
I've done the whole career thing too hence the 14 1/2 year age gap, much easier and cheaper to deal with one child and have a career! Plus I now have a baby sitter on tap for this one lol!
Adam will be 3 and 4 months when Little Missy is due, my plan was under 3 years but sadly wasnt meant to be x x

We were thinking about this too (and we will see what I am saying after labour and first couple of months) but husband wants not too use contraception as it took us a long time in the first place (first pregnancy ended in mc) but I at least want to lose the baby weight. I guess we will see.

A friend of mine doesnt want any more after her first:D
we 'think' we are going to ttc when this one is 9-12 month ish......we also want them quite close there will be about 18 months ish apart. mainly because i am not getting any younger xx
There will be 5 years and 7 months between Lennon and babys due date. We planned a big age gap for a few reasons; 1. We've had 5 lovely years dedicated to Lennon and he has been the center of our world for that time 2. Now he's older, he's so excited at the prospect of having a sibling and getting involved with their care, 3. We couldn't afford to have two children in childcare at the same time (we don't get any free/subsidized childcare before school in Guernsey)

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Im not career minded. OH will be 42 when this baby is born. Will prob have a two year gap... nature permitting!... as I dont want hubby picking our kid up fron school and people thinking he is their grandad! Lol

Also, Im thinking ahead to kids at uni... wouldnt be able to afford it if OH had retired!
DW, that's a good point, i dont think we can afford two in childcare either :roll: might need to re-think this! xx

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