How many weeks were you.....


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2008
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when you first felt the baby move?

I'm 16 weeks and haven't felt anything yet but i'm sure it's too early, however, I a seem to have convinced myself that something is wrong - pathetic I know but I just can't seem to shift this feeling.

Does anyone else feel the same way?
With my first baby I was 16 weeks and felt a sort of prod which I think was just luck....then it was a little furthur on when I felt baby again

It's usually 18-20 weeks with your first baby I think
I was 14 weeks with this one but last time i think I was 18 weeks.
I'm 16wks5 and I haven't felt any of the 'flutterings' or 'butterflies' reported by others.
However the last week my OH put his hand over my stomach and pushed quite hard and said he felt a little kick (although I felt nothing).
Then a couple of days later he felt it again (I still felt nothing and reckoned he'd made it up)
Then at the weekend I was walking up the very steep hill towards my house after taking the third dog for a walk and felt a kind of 'flick' in by belly. I hadn't felt anything like that before but to be honest was too tired to think anything of it.
Then yesterday I pressed really hard on my tummy and again felt the 'flick' - this time from both inside my tummy and outside.

I've no idea if they actually are kicks but I didn't fart or anything afterwards so I don't think it was wind... :rotfl:
I'm certain I felt something at 12 weeks like fluttering around. I know I've been feeling the odd movement from around 14 weeks.
With my first it was 17weeks onwards but it was flutters.

This time i felt flutters around 14/15 weeks and now at 16 weeks nearly 17 weeks I can feel teeny kicks.
I was 19 weeks when i felt the first flutter with my first, with baby number 4 i was feeling flutters from 12 weeks :shock: but i have not felt anything with this one yet.
Im 19 this weekend but havent felt anything yet x

I'm 18+2 today and I have been worrying myself also about not feeling anything. I'm wondering whether I'm just expecting something bigger than it is...I've felt the odd slight weird feeling in my tummy whoch is probably the baby, but I haven't put it down to being that as I thought it would be more obvious! Who knows?!

So you're definitely not alone, hun x x
I am pregnant with my first and felt flutter/butterfly feeling on saturday (so I was 18+4) and have felt them everyday since but only when I am lied down on my back and concentrating. So maybe try lying flat on your back for a while and see if you feel anything.
i was nearly 21 weeks but found out my placenta was at the front so had been cusioning lots of the movement :)
I was 22 weeks lol

But my placenta is at the front too so had cousioned movements!!

Now shes the most active little monkey ever I love it xx
With my first baby about 16-18 weeks

With this one, about 13-14 weeks.

Hope this helps hun.

Everyone feel sit at different times. You'll feel your bean moving soon hun.. have you had the chance to listen to heartbeat recently? Maybe next appt with MW ask if she wouldn't mind finding heartbeat for you as you are worried.. just to put your mind at ease! :)


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