How many nappies?


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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How many disposable nappies will a newborn get through in a week?

It's been a while and i forget :D
you will nees 1 packet a week, but aqlways have a few packets more just incase.
i get through a packet a week though. :hug:
to begin with i used 2 packets a week cause i used to change him every hour, i use between 1 and 2 packs a week now though
About a pack of 35-45 a week as I used about 6 a day when Jake was newborn. If you havn't already then register on the Pampers and Huggies website and they will send you money off coupons. If you want a cheaper nappy then Tesco nappies are quite good although slightly bulkier than the more expensive brands and I have also tried Asda and Boots which both seemed ok although again a bit bulkier. The cheaper brands are about £1-2 cheaper than Huggies and Pampers but personally my favourite is Huggies as they look and feel really nice. I am not sure where you shop but Tesco, Morrisons and Boots do baby clubs that you can join online or instore sop again you will get money off vouchers sent to you.
I use a pack a week, maybe used a pack and a half a week when Zac was very little
I shop at Tesco's on-line so have started to buy there own brand as a few ladies recommended them on here.

Thanks Gemz for telling me about the Tesco Baby Club, i didnt know they had one, off to register right now :D :hug:
we go through between 8 and 12 a day, little man doesn't like being wet and he does wee for england!! :cheer:
hi there.........yes i would say atleast a packet or two a week :think: and then it increases....Now here a question, how many nappies do you reckom you have changed since becomng a parent :shock: i try to work it out but i cant....I have 8 children and have used disposable nappies for all of them, so go on lets try and work this one out.... :wave: :hug: :dance:
Hi mellowbird I just wanted to say that my younger sister is called Cheyenne as it is really unusual to hear it. My sister is 16 so older than your daughter but it is such a pretty name. My mum has 7 children so not quite as many as you yet but she will probably end up having another baby or so we think.
I chaned her nappy after every feed she had 6 feeds in 24 hours and changed her obviously if she did a number 2...then I would change her before bed so i would use at least 7 in a day so thats 49 a week but more if she poo'd. I buy the size 3 pampers caterpillar flex nappies, 104 in a box from asda for 11pound odd, i think thats fair...they actually went down to £9 at christmas so i bought loads! But you would pay £8odd for 1 pack of nappies from

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