How many months?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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How many months am I?

It gets confusing. I conceived on the 30th Nov and they count that as already 2 weeks so that means I will be pregnant for 10 months and 1 week????
Hi Hazel,

I was confused by this as well so I was advised to count how many months I am by my due date. I am due on the 15th July so on the 15th June I was 8 months and 15th May I was 7 months and so on. This is because an average month isnt 4 weeks long it is more like 4.5 so thats why it doesnt work out at 10 months. Lunar months are 4 weeks long so you are pregnant for 10 lunar months but not 10 calender months. Hope this makes sense??
Exactly what 1stbabywhite said!

I prefer thinking of it by whatever sounds shortest at the time! When I tell OH how days he gets scared! :lol:

And 9 weeks still feels like forever...especially thinking it will be up to 11weeks if i go over!

So for now I just tell myself it's 6 weeks til full term! :shock:
Watch your ticker, every time it moves it's a new month, you're on the 8th baby so you're 7 months and how every many weeks.

I noticed mine seemed to change on the 29th (ish) as i'm due 29th this is when i take a new month. So atm i'd say i'm 8 and a half months pregnant.
it is confusing come to think of it... :roll:

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