How many feeds thrown up before you start to worry


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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Amelia's sick. I don't think it's still from the injections (last Tuesday) as she seemed better Fri/Sat.

She'd been grumpy and fussy yesterday. At bedtime I took her temp and it was 101. Gave her calpol and within minutes she threw up the calpol and all of her feed. (All over us in the bed- lovely).

I put her down without feeding her again, and she went to sleep.
Early this morning she came into bed again (with a temp of 100), but i just fed her and again she threw up everything.

And now again, temp of 101 and i give her a feed and calpol, and she's thrown up both again. She hasn't had a feed where she's kept it down since yesterday early evening.

When do I start to worry?
bless her she doesnt sound very well at all id try and gett her to the doctors if you can.
the advice i was given is if u cant control her temperature get her seen xx
how is she today? if you take her to the docs they might say lay off the milk for a few days and to give her diarolite (sp) :hug: :hug: :hug:
Id go to the Dr's but its prob just a virus, every baby I know round here had it a few weeks ago! I thought Corey was better, then the following day he would throw up everywhere again... poor mite had nothing for like 48hours. Pead in the hospital told us to water down feeds so he was getting as much water as poss to keep hydrated... what little of the feed he did keep down after drinking then throwing up!

Poor things, so hard aint it!
If ever I am worried, I always give NHS Direct a quick ring. They are so helpful! Plus if they aren't satisfied they'd send you up the hospital or to the Docs xx

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