How many children would you like?


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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Just wondering if you have thought about this?

Sometimes I think I will be very happy with one, but other times I think I would like 4 -5. I had neighbours growing up and there was 21 kids - all with the same mum and dad :shock:
3.. alex said this is our last.. but we will see..i give the bj's in this house.. so i guess im the boss :D
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I think I would like 2 or maybe 3 (this will be my first)
DH says 2 and he classifies my eldest as one and this one as number 2.... But I've always wanted 3....although I promised myself to not risk having any kids beyond 32 and with all the risks and worry that come with having a baby and being pregnant....I don't think I can cope...
lisa&alex said:
..i give the bj's in this house.. so i guess im the boss :D

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Thats the greatest line ever!!!!

So far I think I'm done with this one...pregnancy hasn't exactly agreed with me :puke: ...but I bet I change my mind and have another :roll:
I've got all the kids I ever wanted now.

I'm thanking my lucky stars and calling it a day!

Well i have 2 which is perfect but my DH now wantys anoither one so will be TTC december time for number 3
I always wanted 4 but with my stepson and my daughter and this one, i think we will stop after this ones born, we can fit 3 in the back of the car, if we go for no 4 it will mean a new car and a bigger house, so i think 3 for DH and 2 for me is fine!!!

Plus i can't bear the thought of being preg again, i dont enjoy the expereince much! :rotfl:
I had one aged 20 years old and now having the second aged 36. I think I'd like to quit while i'm ahead after this one, as I always said I wouldn't be having another after I was 35 but a new husband kinda changed that. I am too scared to have them any older than I am anyway, despite everyone saying im not old. :shock:
Well I'm not having any more - this one will be my 4th and I think thats enough. O/h will be having the snip after this one (if he didn't I probably would want more lol)
I want two OH only wants one but this is going to be our first so see what changes

I've always wanted 5 boys, but this ones a girl and Dh says no more.

We'll see :wink:
I would like 3 but OH wants 2..I'm only 20 at the moment so we'll see after the next one in 5/6 years time lol.
I always wanted 2 children, so that they can keep each other company and feel they have someone in difficult times. When my mum passed away suddenly 3 years ago, my sister was my biggest support and I for her. I can't imagine how my life would have been if I were alone. I wouldn't want my children to feel like that. So definitely two, possibly 3 based on finances and circumstances.
we want 4 possibly 5,all my sisters have 4 or 5 children each,we must all be mad lol :)
I always wanted 2 so I'm just about there now! OH wanted 5....I said fine as long as he was prepared to pay for tummy tucks, lipo and boob jobs afterwards :lol:

To be honest I love being a mum, giving birth is amazing and I'm so excited about this one. But I really am not enjoying being pregnant. seems even less enjoyable this time round....not sure why, I just seem to be feeling things more. I had more time to rest last time because I didn't have a hyper 2 year old to look after so that could be something to do with it. I would have probably had more as I think to myself this could be it and I feel a little bit sad! I just don't think I could go through another pregnancy again, because the sickness and nausia completely took over my life until about 16 weeks and that's a long time to be feeling so miserable for!

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