How many bottles / oz's @ 9 months


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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James is still having x5 bottles (aprox 30 oz's) a day as well as 3 meals :shock: :shock:

We're BLW so he isn't eating much, just nibbling really so I appreciate he is still getting his main nutrition from milk.

Will he naturally drop a bottle or shall I encourage him?

He has:

8am - 7oz
9am - breakfast
Midday - 6fl oz
2pm - lunch
4pm - 6fl oz
6pm - dinner
7pm - 5fl oz
9pm - 7fl oz

Shall I start reducing his bottles by an oz? Or shall I try to cut out the 7pm bottle?

He may leave the odd oz in some bottles but for the most part he drinks them!

He is flying through the centiles.... He has gone from 9th-25th to 75th :shock: although there are no concerns about his weight.

What was your LO having at this age?

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At 9 months B was having 3 6oz bottles plus 3 blw meals and snacks. To be fair he was never a milk lover but he did drop his mid morning bottle at some point between 9/10 months and was having just 2 bottles.
We're a bit different coz Jules is only 7.5 months but she's on 3 meals a day with snacks and has 3 bottles a day. She has 7oz when she wakes, 4oz mid afternoon and then 8oz at bedtime. She's on the 98th centile for her weight and height so she's a biggen! X x
James has always loved his milk and he's quite non plussed about food.

I am just not sure if I should be encouraging him to eat more / drink less or let him figure it out himself?

I refuse to see the HV again as she is thick as pig shite (told me James was 37w then 5 minutes later asked me if he was over 6m :wall2:, told her we'd been weaning for over 3 months and she gave me a leaflet "how to wean" - there was a few other things said that made me think I am never going back, she is the 5th one I've seen at various clinics and they've all been rubbish!)

I think I'll try to phase out the 7pm bottle?

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Don't get me started on hv! He he

I guess it's all just trial and error really. Jules had dropped all but two bottles very quickly when we moved to 3 meals but I brought the small mid afternoon bottle in as it was a bit to long for her going from lunch to tea and she was often having a meltdown at tea time! Touch wood she's been fine now.

We're doing a mixture of tw and blw. I spoon feed her to begin with but then she'll have some proper food to eat.

Jill xx
At 9 months, Ethan was having 3 6oz bottles, 3 meals and an afternoon snack. Soon after this, at about 9.5 months, he dropped his afternoon bottle, so just had 2 7oz bottles.
I found Ethan dropped bottles himself, but then he's never been a massive milk fan! Could you maybe phase out the 4pm bottle to encourage him to eat more at dinner time? The only thing I'm thinking, is that if you phase out the 7pm one, he may just want to make up for it in milk at 9pm?
You must feel like you're feeding him all day long! :lol: but so good that he's still very much interested in his milk! Once we started weaning, I could've not offered formula at all and he wouldn't have missed it lol xx

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