how many bottles and what time?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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millie has 2 bottles of formula a day, one in morning and one at nite.

i dont wanna be buying formula, making up feeds or sterilizing anymore after her first birthday, so iv got 2 months to phase them out.

which would u drop first?

how many bottles are u giving/did u give ur 10-month-old, and at which times? which was the last one u dropped? thanx :)
She still needs milk so I wouldnt drop either yet & when she turns one maybe put her onto cows milk, Harrison has 2 bottles of milk a day, 1 with Breakfast and another before bed, on nursery days he has 3. I think when they turn 2 is when they dont have to have milk
I've been reading that cows milk shouldn't be introduced untill nearer 2 as it doesn't contain the same vitamins and iron supplies that baby milks do. You can stop sterilising things like spoons, bowls, sippy cups etc once they are using them, normally around the 6 month marker, but bottles and teats need doing untill a year old, after that you can just stop sterilising - think about it LO will be getting enough 'normal germs' from touching surfaces, chewing her fingers, touching the car, trolley seats, other babies etc anyway so continuing to sterilise past a year is doing more harm than good as they need to build up an immune system. I know buying baby milk is a pest but like Princess Puddles said she still needs milk. Try something like the SMA Progress for 6-24 months it's loaded with iron and goodness that cows milk simply can't give her. Oh and the pre-mixed milk although more expensive is soooo easy just open the carton and pour into a bottle....if she's only having the odd bottle it might be worth the few extra pence to save you time/work etc.
Most parents say the night bottle is the last that LO drops, so if any I'd say the morning one, as you can always keep her milk intake up by adding it to cereals and puddings etc Isaac has just 2 now, he was having 3 but dropped the midday one himself a bit ago, I'd just let Millie tell you how she feels, if she's happy without then drop it, but keeping giving her formula after 1yr won't hurt either, it is somewhat a comfort thing too for some LO's so it might not be the bottle she doesn't want to let go, but the bonding :hug: :hug: :hug:

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