How many bf at 6 months +


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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This is aimed at bf mums who have weaned they lo onto 3 meals a day :D

How many feeds is your lo having roughly. Im a bit concerned that dd is not having milk as she has her morning and evening feeds then its hit and miss if she will take the breast during the day.
Calleigh is offered three meals a day but she doesnt always eat them.
Like today for example she refused breakfast completely and had a tiny lunch. But she has breastfed as normal.

She has a feed when she wakes, then another around 11.30am another at 3.30/4pm and her bedtime feed and thats it.

Her weight gain has slowed down quite alot and she has dropped down the percentiles but she is still gaining and is happy so i am not getting worried about it just yet.
Cally has three meals - but it depends on her how much she eats. She is still very much about the boob, though has started to drop feeds now she is eating more solids - I can only tell as I keep getting engorged. She did drop a centile but is now back on the 91st - the little heffer she is.
charlie84 said:
Calleigh is offered three meals a day but she doesnt always eat them.
Like today for example she refused breakfast completely and had a tiny lunch. But she has breastfed as normal.

She has a feed when she wakes, then another around 11.30am another at 3.30/4pm and her bedtime feed and thats it.

Her weight gain has slowed down quite alot and she has dropped down the percentiles but she is still gaining and is happy so i am not getting worried about it just yet.

This is what i aim for with the two daytime feeds but shes a take them or leave them kinda girl shes happy and healthy thats all that matters, she eats quite a lot of solids though.
Sprog usually has 3-4 boob times a day, plus 3 meals. He also has a bottle of formula as a final night feed before bed, which is anywhere between 4 and 7oz depending how he feels.

He's still quite a slight baby (dead on the 25th centile, up from the 9th) but he eats and eats and eats. Hollow legs is an understatement!
usually 5 feeds a day... but at the moment, connor's got a cold and is rejecting solids, and i've got mastitis - so its back to 100% boob...
Bloom said:
charlie84 said:
Calleigh is offered three meals a day but she doesnt always eat them.
Like today for example she refused breakfast completely and had a tiny lunch. But she has breastfed as normal.

She has a feed when she wakes, then another around 11.30am another at 3.30/4pm and her bedtime feed and thats it.

Her weight gain has slowed down quite alot and she has dropped down the percentiles but she is still gaining and is happy so i am not getting worried about it just yet.

This is what i aim for with the two daytime feeds but shes a take them or leave them kinda girl shes happy and healthy thats all that matters, she eats quite a lot of solids though.

Sounds fine to me hun :) , the two feeds in the day arent huge feeds just little ones to top up i suppose. I would just follow LOs lead and offer her the feeds.
Coop has only just started eating solids (2 wks in) but i do offer 3 meals a day and he does eat a lot. He has boob 7am, 1030/1100 then at around 4pm then bedtime feed 7pm then he still feeds at least twice during the night. He hasn't dropped any feeds as yet but i do think hes feeding less in the daytime feeds more of a snack iykwim? x
Maia has 3 meals a day but like others have said doesnt always eat a great deal depends on how she feels. She usually has 6 feeds during the day.

- First thing morning feed 7:30am
- Mid morning 10:30/11:00am
- Afternoon 2:30pm/3:00pm
- Tea time 4:30pm/5:00pm (sometimes just a snack feed depending on time)
- Evening feed before bedtime (again sometimes she's not on the boob for long because she's tpoo tired and she had a full feed at teatime) 6:30pm/7:00pm
- Late night feed 11:00pm
when millie was 6 months old i weaned her properly and she was having 4-5 BFs each day. at 7 months i started introducing one bottle of formula each day and the BFs went down to 2-3 a day by 8 months. when she was 8 months i decided to stop BFing altogether so cant answer for beyond 8 months. x

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