How many bath days a week?

It used to be about 2-3 times but I have found with Hays excema its actually better the more he baths (4x now) because it is reopening his pores and allowing the skin to get remoisturised.

Top and tail every morning even on bath days as he enjoys it :)
Sephs said:
Is top and tailing popping LO in the bath with you?

Might seem silly, I was wavering between putting baby in the bath or just washing their face and nappy bit!

Top and tailing is using cotton wool to wash bits which need to be cleaned every day. I do eyes, ears, whole of face, under the neck, armpits, hands and nostrils. unsure what others do...

Bathtime is nice for baby as it relaxs them too, but its dependant on you
I had a feeling it may have been that - thanks for clearing it up SG! :hug:
ds1 is 21 months and has a bath every night as part of his bedtime routine. I voted for ds2 though, he's 4 weeks and has a bath twice a week but a wash every night at the same time as ds1.
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Supposedly every other night, so 3/4 times a week, but it varies tbh, she'd happily bath every day as she loves it and she has to have bath after swimming on Wednesdays i just find that we had dinner so late sometimes that having a bath just pushes her bed time even later, i think i'm going to have to give up hollyoaks to bath her instead lol
Everyday she has never missed a bath since the day she was born, she loves it and its also part of her night time routine. She even goes and stands at the stair gate at bath time. :lol:
Willow gets a bath twice a week but depends how mucky she gets i also wash her face and hands every day.
Since Daniel was 6 weeks old (when we started the routine) he has been having baths every day. (Apart from the time when he had a cast on his leg due to tallopis).
Dylan has a shower every morning and a bath every night. We've done this since he was about 7 months but before that he'd have a bath once a day. It's part of his 'routine' (I use that loosely) and once he's had his brekkie he goes up the stairs and shouts me and tries to take his clothes off. He does the same at night :D
Everday, it is something she really enjoys and i let OH get on with it whilst i nip round the place having a tidy before getting her ready for bed. She spends a good 20 mins in there at times and cries when you go to take her out :lol:

Oh and she really needs it now as she comes home from nursery plastered in food/paint :D

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