I think you should wait until you feel ready... Don't listen to anyone else. If you feel the time is right to try again, then you try again..
The loss you have suffered has been enormous. Having another baby won't replace your loss as you know, but it can help give your life new focus. You just need to make sure you are ready for it again.
I know for me personally... its the taking the risk that worried me more than actually doing it.
Other people I have known, have jumped back on the baby bandwagon immediately after each loss, and others (although admittedly this was after several miscarriages and still borns) they decided enough was enough and went ahead with adoption instead.
Its your individual choice. Only you know how much you are hurting and how much you can cope with, and only you know how soon is best for you to TTC again.
rmality, if thats possible.
Like you say, I suppose only we will know when we're ready to TTC again.