How long would after implantation would there be pain??


Active Member
Dec 9, 2008
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Hi ladies,

If we conceived this month it was on the 2nd of december.
since last night i have been experiencing some cramping.. its pretty annoying actually.
Not like period pain at all.. more of a annoying pain.

Does anyone know what that is??

Thanks Ladies.!
Where about is your pain ?
When its implantation pain a lot of people as well as my self feel this pain on the lower left side
its more of a quick sharp pain like a pulling pain ..
Usually you feel the pain around the time of your period being due, so about 14 DPO or after.

Last time I was pregnant, I felt like a stabbing pain very low in my left side when I was about 1week - 10 days late, but I think that was more settling in pains.

I am now 4 days late, and having similar pains, but in my right lower I dunno.
Lianatoot The last time i felt pain on my right side i was pg with twins
:shock: 4 days late and you aint tested (TEST) lol xx
i have a tugging pain on my left side really low down. af isnt due for another 6 days though. if i am pg then i concieved 4th december. do you reckon it could be that already?
Waiting4amiracle said:
Lianatoot The last time i felt pain on my right side i was pg with twins
:shock: 4 days late and you aint tested (TEST) lol xx

LOL! I have tested! Read my thread "back to square one", I just posted a pic too

Suzie, It could be hun...if you concieved on 4th december, that was like 8 days ago, so could be as Implantation occurs 7-10 days after there is a good chance! wait 2 more days then take one of those first response tests that you can do before your period is due.

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