How long will they let you wait for natural miscarriage?


Active Member
Aug 1, 2014
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Hi - I had a private scan nearly 2 weeks ago and showed baby hadn't developed. As I was unsure of dates, it could have been too early to see baby, but that's highly unlikely. I'm booked for a scan this Thursday evening. I had a mmc 2 years ago (baby stopped at 8 weeks, but not discovered until 12 week scan), and would rather wait for things to happen naturally this time, but does anyone know how long it's safe to wait, rather than having an ERPC?
So sorry things didn't work out for you Diane. My three natural miscarriages were all early at 5 weeks and my other two which were 13 weeks and 9 weeks I had medical management and surgical management. I couldn't face waiting for things to happen naturally.
I'm sorry I can't answer your question but didn't want to read and run.
Take care xx
Hi Diane,
So sorry to hear of your possible loss, I hope your scan today shows good news.
I found out at 10 weeks that I would very likely mc and my midwife didnt seem to worried about rushing me into surgery. It was my decision in the end and I was hoping to have it occur naturally if possible. I ended up going down the tablet route 10 days later and all went as well as could be expected I guess.

My guess (guess only) is that you're probably ok to wait until about 12 weeks to see if it happens naturally. My only concern would be that the sac would probably keep growing and ideally you'd want it as small as possible when coming out.

Hopefully today brings positive news anyway and you wont have to worry. If not, big hugs and Im sure your midwide/dr will be able to answer your questions.

good luck xx
Hey hun,

I had my scan at 10+4 but baby measured 7+3 and i started bleeding 12+3 baby actually came out around 13 weeks so quite a long time. I think it depends but i wouldnt have gone back for love or money tbh i was emotionally scarred. Be on the 'lookout' for any smells etc that could indicate infection.

The day my first mc finally started (and on future mcs), i moved my settee/furniture and i think that may have started it off for me xxx
Thanks for all the replies and support. I'm sorry for your own losses xx

My scan last evening showed no change, and confirmed a missed miscarriage, so I will be called by the early pregnancy clinic on Monday (I refused to go into the clinic this morning as it was so heart-breaking last time). I am just numb, but ok I think. I'm just trying to think what questions to ask on Monday. So far I want to know signs of problems/infection (thanks Lou1103), what I can do to help things along naturally, and obviously how long will they let me wait. If it's only 12 weeks, then I guess that's only a couple more weeks (as I tested positive about 5 weeks ago).

Thanks for all your support, it really does help, thank you all xx
Hi Diane,
Didn't want to read and run. My 3mmc have all had intervention, so I've no experience to offer you, just my condolences. Hope it happens quickly and smoothly for you.
Hi Hun, I had a mmc 8 weeks ago at 11 weeks and I stared mc within 2 days. They didnt give me a timescale for how long they would let me wait. Just said they would intervene if there was signs of infection or I decided I didn't want to wait any longer. I hope you don't have to wait too long xxx
Thanks ladies. Spoke to my midwife today (should have been my booking in appt, although it's late as I've been away for the last few weeks). She spoke to the EPU for me this morning and they are happy to wait a couple more weeks, and then coincidentally I started bleeding this afternoon, so it looks like the wait is over..... That's good news in my book, as the thought of another ERPC was horrible........
Hi Diane41, so sorry this has happened again I also have had two MMC's but had a D&C both times, I'm based in Ireland so it seems like D&C is the recommended route over here. I hope all goes quickly and safely for you, look after yourself xxx
Ok, so maybe I was too optimistic! !! Started bleeding on Monday but coping fine so I went to work on Tuesday. As the day progressed it got heavier and heavier and by 7pm I was soaking a pad every 30 minutes so called local epu who said to go straight to a&e. So I dropped the kids to a friends house and went in. ..... bleeding worsened so got admitted to gynae Ward in bath hospital (my local one) and I have been here for two days :( bleeding stopped lunchtime yesterday but scan showed not everything had passed, so had pessaries last night to move things along but nothing has happened, so now waiting for docs to review me again today. They said yesterday that they might try two lots of pessaries before going to a ERPC. I really want to avoid an ERPC as the one I had last time was awful (although the staff were lovely). So I'm playing the waiting game. ......

Thank you all for your support; it really does help xx
Hi Diane, hopefully everything will pass naturally for you today and you can avoid the ERPC, (if you do have to have ERPC fingers crossed it will go ok, I have had two and had no cramping or bleeding)

Take care of yourself xx
I have heard that it can take upto 6 weeks, I had a natural miscarriage in march, baby died around 5 weeks but took a few weeks to come out x
Ohh hun i'm sorry you had to be admitted and hope you were able to avoid erpc. Hope you're ok xxxx
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Thanks ladies - most "products" had passed by Thursday evening, so they discharged me home. Things worsened Friday so I went back in and they re-scanned me and all had passed, but now just waiting for my lining to come out as it's still apparently too thick..... So far it's ok, and I have avoided the dreaded ERPC, although it's been fairly dramatic throughout the past week. I'm starting to feel more normal now :) hopefully that's the end of it......

Thanks again for all your support xx

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