How long was your hospital stay after c-section?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Exactly as the title reads, just wondered how long you actually stayed in hospital after having a c-section. Im trying to work out how long I might be in there for and how many outfits LO will need!

Many Thanks
2 days. James was born on 23rd Dec 2007 and I got out on Xmas day. I probably could have done with another day in hospital but I was desperate to get out!
2 days for me as well. It should've been 3 days but I argued my way out of hospital! Mind you that was an emergency section, maybe they wouldn't be so fussed if it was planned? Planned sections tend to be nicer :hug: I'd plan for 3 days hun that's what I did when I packed my bag thinking of worst case scenario
I was in for 5 :(

But that was because little one was in scbu and we were both being given anti-biotics to treat Group B Strep.
4 days. Was meant to be 2 but had complications. If I was to have another c-section I would hope for 2 but take enough things for a few extra days just in case xx
I was in for 5 days. I was ready to go home after 3 but Molly was Jaundiced and it took them forever to decide if she could be discharged.

Most of the ladies on my ward were ready to go after 3 days.
4 days for me but thats because i had an inflamed bladder and had to be on a catheter for longer.

Claire x
Had him late friday night, and was signed off by the doc on the sat evening, but had to stay in till tues as they wanted to ensure sam was feeding well as he was early.
4 days as well. but i'd take loads more clothes. dont know how he managed it but Dylan managed to wear all 10 vests that we took in and i think about 7 bodysuits. To be fair though it was my first time and i wasnt prepared that everytime i removed him nappy he'd pee all over himself - and me!
You cant have to many clothes, seriously!
5 days :( , mainly because of Isla being on scbu, the MWs were nice and let me stay so I dodnt have to be without her. Their usual poilcy is 2-3 days, as long as your wound is good, you are not requiring morphine, baby is feeding well and you have plenty of support at home.
Mills was born at 23:24 on 20/12/2008 by emergency c-section, we were allowed to leave on 22/12/2008 4 PM.
With DD I was in 3 nights and with DS it was 2.
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well technically i was on the ward for one day but that was because Macey was rushed into SCBU and they discharged me so i could be upstairs with her, i had to go back once a day so they could keep an eye on me i was dosed up to the eye balls and could hardly move but needed to be with her,

Honestly i would say if i would have been there about 3 days if Macey had been well
3 nights, but the were about to send me home after 2 - but then Nicola got jaundiced so we stayed in for the 3rd.

The worst thing about it was they admitted they wanted to send me home cos they needed the bed - not that they thought I was ready - and I have a disabled partner :evil:
5 nights - that was because it was an emergency section as the cord prolapsed as they were trying forceps. So Gracie was very ill when they got her out and she had to spend 5 days in the neonatal unit.

I was expecting to be out in a couple of days and so hadn't got lots of stuff with me so OH was in Mothercare buying outfits and bringing them into hospital with him when he visited!

You could pack a spare bag with extra clothes in it and either leave at home for someone to bring in or keep in the car just in case you do need to stay in longer than you were expecting.
Amber was born at 09:07 on the friday morning and we were discharged at about 2 pm on the monday, but I'd had a few complications and lost alot of blood. If that hadnt have happened I think I would have been let out late saturday afternoon or sunday morning.
Good luck, hope everything goes well and look forward to hearing of your new arrival! :hug:
six days. was discharged from the bigger hospital after five, but chose to go to a smaller local hospital for an extra night because i still wasn't confident with breastfeeding.
purplebluered said:
2 days for me as well. It should've been 3 days but I argued my way out of hospital! Mind you that was an emergency section, maybe they wouldn't be so fussed if it was planned? Planned sections tend to be nicer :hug: I'd plan for 3 days hun that's what I did when I packed my bag thinking of worst case scenario

Ditto this - i gave birth just b4 midnight on 25th and i went home on 28th (although i really had to push for them to let me out)

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