How long once head is engaged?


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2011
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Hi ladies

Just wondering if anyone could tell me, once the baby's head is engaged, how long it usually is before you go into labour?

At my 36 week appointment, the head was in place, but not at all engaged, so I am feeling a little bit disheartened as I'm now worried that this means I will go overdue, as I have heard they should at least be a bit engaged at 36 weeks.

Basically, what I am wondering is, can you go from not being engaged, to being in labour in the space of a week or 2, or does it take longer?

Thanks :) x
Hey hun :wave:

Lots of babies don't engage until labour, but it is more common (my MW says) for first babies to engage between 36 and 38 weeks, but they won't go fully until labour!

But they can bob in and out from 32 weeks onwards xxx
Mine's been engaged for over 3 weeks and still nothing- doesn't really mean too much xx
K didn't engage until I was 10cm dilated. I don't think it gives a prediction of anything really.
My LO's head has been 3/5ths engaged since my 37 wk appt and I'm over so don't think it goes for anything xx
ive been 2/5s engaged since 29-34 weeks and nothing x
I wasn't at all engaged at my 36 wk check either and was also a bit disappointed!
We are apparently 4/5ths engaged and I have had nothing and we are due tommorow, here's hoping babe wants to come out now lol :) xxx
I'm just worried that this means I am destined for the longest pregnancy ever! If I'm not at all engaged by my 38 week check on Wednesday I'm going to start getting miserable! I just want some sort of sign that something might happen in the next 3 weeks! x
None of my babies engaged. you don't need to be engaged to go into labour.
apparently it doesnt really mean anything if engaged or not cos some people still go over if engaged. x

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