I would guess it varies from person to person but the midwives kept saying that mine was healing nicely early on but I was still in pain with it for a good couple of weeks after the birth. I used lavender oil drops in the bath which helped.
They say to have showers which I did most of the time but also had baths to help chill out after the birth.
I also used arnica tablets which helped as well. I wished I'd started taking them straight away after the birth.
A rubber ring turned out to be a life saver to help take the pressure off from down there when sitting down. You can get proper episiotome cushions but they can be pricey and as you don't know if you'll need one until after the event it's a difficult decision as to whether to buy one or not.
I lost a lot of blood which hindered my recovery, so I'm sure for others they probably healed quicker.
Personally, it was a good while before I even wanted to think about having sex
Can't help you with that one.
Hope everything goes well with your birth and that you don't need an episiotome