How long does it take to get a first antenatal appointment?


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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How long does it normally take for you to get a first appointment at an antenatal clinic/scan? I went to see my doctor on Friday who referred me to the antenatal clinic at my local hospital in London (the Whittington) and he said that it can take many weeks to get an appointment. I find it hard to be patient as I am so nervous about my pregnancy, that something will go wrong. My symptoms keep coming and going and my breast were really sore at the beginning but are practically normal now. The only thing I really feel is a little tired and a little nauseous. I am worried because my sister had 4 miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy and although I know there is no reason why I should be like her, I tend to think very negatively. I just want to have my appointment and be sure all is ok. Until then I find it very difficult to think of this as a baby because I am so nervous. :(
try and think positive i had a miscarriage last time but im trying to think positive this time you should have your first scan at 12 weeks and your first antenatal at about nine weeks good look anyway with your pregnancy :) :) :)
My first MW appt is at 10 weeks, already having scans but for other reasons. With my son I saw my midwife at 6 weeks.
I got my first appointment through when i was 10 weeks for the week later and my first scan at 13 weeks.
My MW likes to see you between 6-8 weeks then 10-12 for the booking in appt :)
Are you ment to see your midwife before your scan comes though. As Im not sure with 4 weeks how far gone I am, could this be why I havnt heard from the Midwife yet, but have my scan date for tomorrow?
i havent seen a mw yet or had my scan date come through yet, i think if i dont hear anything soon ill phone the docs to c what is taking so long



With me last time, I saw my doc as soon as I got BFP and he gave me a schedule as to when all the appointments throughout my pregnanacy would be, who with and what for. So I had my booking in appointment with MW at 10 weeks. During the first and second trimester you are just pretty much left to get on with it, just having scans and blood tests. ITs only once to hit third trimester that you have appoinments ever couble of weeks to check fundus height and listen to the heartbeat.
My health centre is great.

I saw doc to confirm pg at 4 weeks, saw mw at 5 weeks and again at 8 weeks( I have the nicest mw ever!), I have my scan next Monday which will be 10wks and 4 days but I've known about it for 5 weeks now.

I requested a scan at health centre reception and got the date through from hospital a few days later.

Think I have been very lucky so far :D
I first saw my midwife at about 12 weeks and while i was there she booked a scan for me 8)
Think it differs depending on where you are, I saw my doc at 5 weeks to confirm BFP, then saw my MW at 7 weeks (which she said was early), she booked me in for my scan whilst I was with her, and that was for 3 weeks later making me 10wks.

My dating scan then put me back a couple of days, and have next appointment with MW in about 4 weeks, and 20 week scan on 17th November.

Think I just have a very organised (& lovely) MW to be honest.
Mine is lovely but i cant say the same about organised im afraid..i havnt seen her for about a month now because she messed up her dates..and i dont see her again untill 27th september :wall: :wall:
i didnt hear nothing from anyone went to my doctors to comfirm pregnancy and then nothing for about 6 weeks, so i contacted the hospital to make sure they got my refferal letter and they did not receive it, so i contacted the docs got them to corrier over my referal letter and the next day my scan had been booked for the 7th sept (all wen t well) i didnt see my midwife until 2 days before.

just like you i was very nrevous because i had a blighted ovum with my first pregnancy (sac no baby) so i have been extremly worried so when i went for my scan it was the most nerve racking thing thing as i expected the same thing to happen again, but it didnt.

like they say every pregnancy is very different and 2 are never a like so although your sister was unfortunate to have miscarried it is not a genitic thing and the charnce of it happening to you is no different to everone else,please try and stay positive, my theroy this time round was i wil worry about when it happens and unless it does i will enjoy every minute of this pregnancy (except the sickness that i could live without) :hug:

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