How long does it normally take for you to get a first appointment at an antenatal clinic/scan? I went to see my doctor on Friday who referred me to the antenatal clinic at my local hospital in London (the Whittington) and he said that it can take many weeks to get an appointment. I find it hard to be patient as I am so nervous about my pregnancy, that something will go wrong. My symptoms keep coming and going and my breast were really sore at the beginning but are practically normal now. The only thing I really feel is a little tired and a little nauseous. I am worried because my sister had 4 miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy and although I know there is no reason why I should be like her, I tend to think very negatively. I just want to have my appointment and be sure all is ok. Until then I find it very difficult to think of this as a baby because I am so nervous.