How long does it take 4 periods to return if breastfeeding?


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2007
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Just wondered as we want to start trying again when rhiannon is 8 months old, she is 6 weeks nearly. I only want a 18month age gap or so!
Im breast feeding but will try wean her as soon as she looks like she wants to. Maybe introduce foods at 4months.

Not sure if you have to stop bf for your periods to return or not? has anyones periods come back when bf?
am i mad?!

Mine came back when Austin was about 5 1/2 months old. We started introducing solids just before 5 months but he didn't have formula until he was 6 months so I was still pretty much breastfeeding as normal. We started TTC #2 at Christmas & I was still doing one breastfeed a day but I'm not pregnant yet :( so have stopped breastfeeding altogether now just in case that's a reason. He's nearly 1 now so not feeling too guilty!

My sister's still breastfeeding her youngest DD, she's 6 months now and started having solids about a month ago. And my sister still hasn't had a period.
I stopped BF Evie at just shy of a year - mid January this year. I got my first period mid Feb and have not had another one yet. :D
I breastfeed exclusively (never used formula) and started weaning at 25/26 weeks (6 months exactly). I got my first period a couple of weeks ago about 5 weeks after DD started solids and I'm still breastfeeding but DD takes a lot less than she used to obviously - as she's on 3 meals a day.

Make sure you don't wean your baby too early - there are lots of health reasons why you should wait til closer to 6 months.

Valentine Xxx
Thankyou :D

Yeah i wont feed her solids for a while, willl prob give her baby rice at about 4 months but not give up entirely. Sounds like ttc no 2 could be difficult then if periods arent regular :(
Seren was 10 months old when mine came back
edward was 6 weeks., hes 11 weeks now and ive come on this morning.. think it differs greatly between women oh and im bfing

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