How long after Postnatal bleeding did period return


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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Again my post natal bleeding had really slowed down since the weekend and there was hardly anything at all just a few spots of blood.
Yet again today I am bleeding bright red blood again about the same as a regular period but earlier on I noticed when i went to the loo (sorry TMI :oops: ) there were a few small clots - really tiny I suppose they could have been membranes left over or something.

How do you know when postnatal bleeding has stopped and periods have returned is there a long gap in between? I stopped B Feeding about 2 weeks ago.
Also I feel like I have period pains today been really head achey all week too.
I stopped postnatal bleeding around 12 days after giving birth. I then had a clear break until 6 weeks when I got my normal period - although it was heavier and contained a lot more clots than usual.

I really think it's different for each person. Sorry not much help :hug:
nearly 6 effing weeks I bled for... it would trail off then come back again. :wall: :wall: :wall: I'm still waiting for a period though... :think:
Everyoes different i think. I bled for 4 weeks after he was born then had a week with nothing. then started again which i asumed was my period, it was very light and sort of on/off for another 2 weeks! when i had my 6 week check up i asked for the pill and for the first 2 months i bled on/off despite being on the pill! :roll: finally on the tird packet i seemed of gone back to normal i had a period on the break which is just finishing now to take my fourth packet. Its alot lighter than before i had my son? :think: im not sure if thats to do with having a baby or the pill but im just about back to normal now after 4 months!
That happened to me too. It went, came back, went, came back and continued like that for a while. It really depended on how active I was too! On days I rested, it was much less than on days I was out and about and lifting things etc.

I'm still the same now and have no idea what's going on!
My postnatal bleeding lasted for approx 4 weeks. I had a few weeks bleed free(!) but have just started AF and as mentioned in a previous post pain free!!! :dance:

I can't go on the pill yet :( GP said because i started with Migraines in last few weeks of pregnancy and still getting them i need to wait and see if they settle down and wait for bleeding to stop
I bled heavy for about 2 weeks then on/off for about another 3 weeks. Not had a period yet & hoping i dont for a while :lol:
I was wondering this :think:
I stopped breastfeeding 6 weeks ago and still nothing, except a tiny bit of blood when I wipe and stabbing pains in my side! I had the coil fitted on Friday so it's probably that.
I bled for a week after birth then stopped and that was it nothing since then. I'm not complaining :D
lucyk said:
I bled for a week after birth then stopped and that was it nothing since then. I'm not complaining :D

Lucky you! :( no fair
I stopped bleeding about 2 weeks after birth and still haven't had a period.

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